Thursday, October 6, 2016

Italia: the next shoe to fall?

Brexit was a shock to the EU, but it survived. The next shoe to drop will be the exit of Italy. It is doubtful that the EU will survive Italy leaving, but just in case it does, France is gearing up to leave as well.

In 2007 Beppe Grillo (an Italian actor and comedian) had launched VAFFANCULO DAY or V-day. VAFFANCULO means 'f*** off' in Italian. Grillo started a movement (the five star movement or M5S) that is anti globalist, anti-establishment and anti Euro. Its goal is to leave the EU, scrap the Euro and go back to the Lira. Ever since the Euro was adopted in 1999, Italy has stagnated. Its banks are on the brink.

Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi blames the malaise of Italians on the Senate and has schedueled a referendum vote in December to reduce the powers of the Senate. Renzi promised that if the referendum loses he will resign, which would open the way for M5S to organize the next government.

If Italy leaves the EU Brussels can vaffanculo their rule.

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