Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump's finest hour.

For decades, the Liberal Establishment has been busy destroying the moral foundation of the country. Books, movies and TV programs - the F bombs have been growing in frequency. Those of us who objected were shouted down as prudes and fuddy  duddies. In politics, the Democrat Party/Media has come to specialize in the October Surprise, where the Republican candidate would be vilified to drown out anything else. If they could not find some dirt on our candidate, they made up things. Harry Reid made up the "Romney paid no income tax for 10 years" lie. When confronted with his lie, Reid chortled that "he did not win, did he?"

That these people would pretend to be shocked by Trump's dirty talk, is especially insulting. The Democrats think that the electorate is already as dumbed down as the Podesta letters hope.

Some yellow-bellied cowardly Republicans had fallen for the gambit and had disavowed Trump. There was even demand from the Establishment that Trump quit. So, what did Trump do?

First, Trump manned up and apologized for his talk. Then he got together a few of Bill Clinton's victims and invited them to the second "debate." And he proceeded to tell the Country that Hillary Clinton  is an enabler of a rapist (Bill Clinton) and a defender of a rapist. Before Hillary was disbarred, she defended and got off a rapist and bragged and cackled about it. Some defender of females. Trump could have pointed out that one of his opponents in the debate is an admitted homosexual and that Hillary is rumored to be one also. But he did not go there.

In the end, the Establishment failed in its aim. The electorate was shown the true nature of the Clinton crime family. Together with the Wikileaks disclosure of Hillary's speech to a bank that she has a public position and a different private position (for which she was paid money) exposes her to the people. There is a name for women like her, but let's retain some dignity.

All in all, Trump has courage to fight for us and the debate with Hillary and her two helpers who posed as moderators made this Trump's finest hour.

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