Friday, December 1, 2017

Sex at the office: DAY1 of reckoning.

For over fifty years the Progs have ridiculed any idea of traditional morality. Serial womanizers were lionized; not only Bill Clinton but others. As we watch the sexual predators (90% Dems) being outed and in some cases fired, we ask: has the Left changed its mind about morality?
There is an intriguing parallel also. The end of the Soviet Union began with a desire to reform it and the  procedure of Perestroika escalated out of control.
The outing of sexually abusing Progressives began with the smearing of Roy Moore to steal a Republican Senate seat. The procedure turned around and famous Progs got caught as the outing  of abusers progressed.
The Left has told us that sexuality was an individual choice, but the rest of us protested (to no avail) that there were standards and that there should be standards. Government defined sexual harassment as "unwanted sexual behavior." This leads to a mess that some people will be punished while others get off scot free.This is an indefensible position in law.
I predict that we will soon proceed toward DAY2 of reckoning. This will be the prohibition of all sexually suggestive talk and action at the office. This will be driven by the increasing Muslim population.

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