Thursday, August 16, 2018

Trump as catalyst: Unhinged Dems reveal themselves.

AS the bumper sticker goes 'Trump did not cause Democrats to go unhinged, he made them reveal themselves.'

Almost every big office has an Omarosa.

It is usually a female who is charming, gets the job because she is pretty and promising. Unfortunately, she is not delivering, at least not work. She spends her time fighting off efforts to have her do work until the day comes when she is not worth the effort and is fired. She then turns on the office and the boss and wild charges begin to fly. Trump should not have appointed her. That's over and done with now.

One unhinged Dem wants to abolish the Presidency. Here is what Tina Dupuy wrote:

"Donald Trump is proof that the U.S. presidency is broken and democracy is in peril. It's time to amend the Constitution and abolish the presidency." How long does it take to get a Constitutional Amendment accepted?

Still others rant about the Electoral College.

And one or two even claim (such as Sen Nelson of Florida) that the Russians fixed the vote and are ready to do it in Florida this year. Apparently, Sen Nelson expects to lose his race.

This is just a random sample anda short one.

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