Thursday, July 30, 2009

How the FED manipulates the economy.

The manipulation of our economy that led to the election of the Usurper Obama began with the manipulation of the oil price. The graph shows that jacking up the oil price reduced the DOW:

The economy was literarily crashed when the FED changed the accounting system the banks had to use to the so-called "mark to market: system. This allowed the FED to virtually stop money circulation:

and tie up the money in increasing bank reserve requirements. Predictably, the economy went into the tank. Note that GDP growth did not cross into negative terrirory untill AFTER the FED action. The FED continues to manipulate.

Note also that the amount of reserves the banks now have has become very large. How come? Because the FED pays the banks interest (a guaranteed profit without risk). By manipulating the size of this reserve (by increasing or decreasing what it pays to the banks), the FED can keep inflation low as well as manipulate gold prices and keep the economy limping along. Presumably, the FED will push the banks to make loans coming next year in order to spike a sudden increase in employment.

Who gave the FED this authority? No one.
The economy was manipulated because VxM = QxP, where V is the velocity of money, M is the money supply, Q is the GDP and P is prices. By drastically reducing V, the FED crashed Q. Now the FED is manipulating M (by locking it up in bnk reserves in order to keep P from increasing. Keeping a trillion dollars in reserves costs money, but the FED does not care. As long as Obama is in there and the Media is in their pockets, they can keep the scam going. In the long run this will ruin the dollar, but by then the Conspirators hope to convert us into a Marxist-led country.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ObamaCare = killing off the old and the weak.

In Obama's radical-Liberal world view, people have no inalienable rights, except as prescribed by the State. This is a profoundly unamerican view as it directly conflicts with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. In an April 28 interview with the New York Times the Usurper talked about a "very difficult democratic conversation" about "those toward the end of their lives [who] are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill out here." In fact, the touted savings of ObamaCare would come largely from denying care to the weak and elderly; euthanasia, in other words.

Section 1233 of the ObamaCare bill before the House in fact provides for seniors, every five years, "advance care planning consultation" for "end-of-life services." Pep talks for Seniors to kill themselves as they are urged in Oregon. To be sure, the decision to end medical intervention is a wrenching decision, but it should not be done by government bureaucrats.

The (Liberal) politics of race.

Liberals have grown up with assumptions implanted in their heads, assumptions that they regard as facts. For example, in the Liberal mind it is assumed that blacks are poor and underprivileged, while whites are rich, well-connected insensitive authority figures. I am indebted to Juan Williams for pointing out that in the "Gates gate" the privileged authority figures were black (Cambridge has a black police chief, black mayor and the State has a black governor) and the policeman in question is white. Even the woman who reported what she believed to be a break-in was not of a privileged class, but of Portuguese descent.

Some, such as the Editor of the W Times believe that Gates simply responded as an overpampered, privileged Professor of Harvard, whose hubris is rubbed by a mere Irish cop not being deferential to him:

But again I must go with Juan Williams: Obama acted the way he did because of the 20-year influence of the Reverend Wright. If you listen to anti-white rants for 20 years, it rubs off on you. And Obama acted on the basis of his assumptions. Which were wrong. End of story.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Was Obama eligible to run for President?

Why is this so important? Because if Obama was elected President by fraud then all his judicial appointments and all the bills that he signed will have to be rescinded. It will be as if the election of 2008 did not happen. Considering that half the country is already considering defying the Federal Government, this issue becomes even more important.

Barak Hussein Obama could put the issue behind him if he provided certain documents. First and foremost is his birth certificate. That would state where he was born and the attending physician. While Media sycophants (such as Chris Matthews) claim that Obama has released a copy of his birth certificate on his website, they are not telling the truth. What Obama released is a certification of live birth, which does not state the place where he was born or the doctor that delivered him. The continued stonewalling of the Obamabots raises the suspicion that something in the certificate disproves Obama's eligibility. Lou Dobbs said on CNN that the original birth certificate was destroyed and a forged copy substituted. A couple of Hawaiian official state that there is a certificate, but then again, why doesn't Obama release it for inspection and put an end to the controversy?

There are other pieces of evidence. The Kenyan Ambassador stated (video on YouTube) that Obama was born in Kenya and that his birthplace is a tourist attraction. Obama has stonewalled the release of other documents important in determining the answer to this question. His records at Occidental College - was he receiving a scholarship open only to foreign students? His trip to Pakistan - what passport of what nation was he using? It could not have been a US passport, because US citizens were not allowed to visit Pakistan at that time. There are more documents that are not being released.

A US soldier refused deployment to Afghanistan, because he questioned Obama's eligibility to issue a legal command. Such an insubordination would normally result in a Court martial, but the Obamabots backed off so that the soldier would not have the chance to subpoena the hidden documents.

You see why suspicions persist that Obama is a Usurper of the Office of President.

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is Obama's goal in Afghanistan?

Ask whether the US expects to win in Afghanistan Obama replied: "I'm always worried about using the word 'victory' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur." Emperor Hirohito did not sign the Surrender document on the Battleship Missouri.

Imagine what would have happened if George Bush (or Sarah Palin) exhibited such ignorance. The Media routinely cover up for Obama, such as at the time he believed Gospodin Putin still is the President of the Russian Federation.

Obama has been characterized as "a shallow, manipulative and egotistical amateur who is in over his head." That about sums it up.

You think Insurance is complicated?

Check out the proposed chart of control for Obamacare. Figure out how it works. Just try it.

Another Media lie corrected.

Obama and his Media sycophants are trying to make the Gates story into a racial profiling issue. Standard technique for radicals caught lying. But, the Media reports are fabrications. Lucia Whalen, the 40-year old woman who made the 911 call, did not report the racial identity of the two suspicious males wearing back packs and trying to break into the Gates residence. The reference to race was added in a police summary report that collected all the known facts. This was a street with recent burglaries, so the suspicion of the persons breaking into the house was well-founded.

So, Gates, a fellow radical of Obama, tries to incite people in the street and is arrested for the disturbance. Obama then accuses the police of profiling and being stupid. This is how racial agitators work in Chicago and this time they were caught lying.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

But it is all about him.

Harvard "scholar" Henry Louis Gates Jr. is being shown by the Media as an affable, smiling man who is ready to "move on" especially "if his experience will reduce racial profiling."

This is just the latest by the Obamabots and the Media to spin the story. The encounter had happened because of who Henry Louis Gates is and where he works. Mr Gates is a "scholar" at the W.B. DuBois Center, which is named for a Leftist radical, who later became a member of the Communist Party. The goal of the DuBois Center is to radicalize black scholars and turn them into Marxists like Obama and Gates.

Mr Gates tried to create a disturbance so that he could make a name for himself in the radical-friendly Media of Massachusetts and elsewhere. He shouted to the people in the street that he was mistreated by the police. He later threatened a lawsuit. Sargent Crowly (very astutely) had left his radio on and the episode was recorded. So, the Marxist radicals Obama and Gates are now backpedalling on charges of mistreatment, wrongful arrest, etc. And a profiling charge is totally without merit. This is simply another tactic by radicals, to hitch an episode where their ploys go awry to general charges that are harder to refute. So, what is "profiling?" In a black neighborhood, suspiciously acting blacks are watched and sometimes stopped by the police. It is done to protect the community.

Radical agitators, such as Obama and Gates' trainees are instructed to agitate blacks so they become thoroughly frustrated and radicalized - ready to start a revolution. Preventing the police from carrying out their job is part of the radical strategy. YES, this is all about the radicals like Obama and Gates.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Anti-black genocide by Liberals.

The number of black Americans estimated to have been lynched since the Civil War is 3,457. That’s half of the blacks to have been killed before they were born in just one week of this year (estimated as 8,400) by abortionists. In fact, I have read that half of all black babies are killed in their mother’s womb. The effect of multiple abortions have rendered many black women infertile, so the birth rate of blacks in this country has fallen below replacement levels.

In addition to the outright genocide visited on black Americans, Liberal Democrats have also sabotaged school voucher programs for black kids. The schools that are maintained at the vote plantations of big cities certainly do not do their job of teaching logic – how else to explain the fact that blacks give 90% of their vote to politicians who promote genocide against them, force them to accept poor education and try to sabotage law enforcement in their neighborhoods.

Black politicians, even Obama, promote these policies. Most black ministers are silent. This is a great crime folks, a great crime.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

America's Marxists drop the mask.

America's Marxists posed as Liberals, just members of the Democrat Party. That mask has now come off. Here is how. No more incremental march toward Socialism!

First, the Obama regime is expropriating a large chunk of the economy. Using the 'Mark to market' accounting system (first used by Roosevelt) the regime lays claim to about $24 Trillion worth of property. How is it done? The government claims that this property is worth nothing and replaces the value of the property (owned by banks and insurance companies) with monopoly money. Thus, the government if fact expropriates $24 Trillion worth of property. Again how! The government claims that the banks and insurance companies owe it $24 Trillion for the monopoly money "loaned" to them.

Second, the Obama regime is reducing living standards by the Cap and Tax bill. This is a tax on every American who uses energy. By requiring us to use energy that costs more to produce, every one's living standard is reduced. This hits those with lower income especially hard. The regime promises "aid" to the poor which would be taxed away from the "rich." Thus, the Marxists can achive two aims in one move: they would reduce carbon emission by Americans to the level of Europeans and two, they would redistribute some income. This plan would not really reduce world-wide carbon emission (which would double), but distribute American incomes.

Third, the Obama regime intends to socialize Medicine via the 3 C's: comprehensive, compulsory control. When insurance companies have to compete with the government, they will fold. The government will control who gets what care. An early target is senior citizens. The Obama regime claims that they will reduce medical costs by reducing readmission to hospitals. This is in fact a plan to kill off the elderly who are sick, because they are the ones who seek readmission most often. The regime's plan to ration care so that senior citizens are killed off is a monstrous affront to God and I warn the Nation that should this be adopted, God will punish America.

None of these moves of the Marxist Obama regime is permitted by the Constitution. In fact, because Obama is not a legitimate President, any legislation signed by him is null and void.

Failure of the Rescue bill.

The Obama regime touted its almost 900 billion "rescue" package as necessary to keep unemployment from rising above 8.0% and to stimulate the economy. Remember the frantic efforts to get it done? They pushed so hard that Congressmen did not even have time to read the bill.

So, how well did the bill do its job? Not well at all. Unemployment rose to 9.4% and will rise some more. And the economy is yet to hit bottom. The Regime and its apologists in the Media claim that they had no idea how bad the economy was. That claim is pure rubbish. The fact is that the change in accounting to the 'mark to market' caused the FED to value $24Trillion as worth nothing. That is what is dragging down our economy. Just as the Roosevelt govt had to get rid of 'mark to market,' our economy will not improve much until this fiction is ended.

Is it true that the $24Trillion in assets is worth nothing? The answer is NO! It is a device by the Marxist Obama regime to get hold of that property by creating monopoly money. It is a form of illegal expropriation: THEFT ON A COLOSSAL SCALE.

I call it the OBAMA REGIME, because it had come to power via a banking conspiracy, created in order to crash the economy. I call it the Obama regime because the man who was elected President was not eligible for the office. His birth certificate has not been validated and the Kenyan Ambassador admitted that Obama was born in Kenya. Thus, anything that Obama signs is null and void. When the Revolution comes (the Regime does not intend to hold free elections untainted by fraud), the members of the Regime should be tried for crimes against the State. Those directly involved in jacking up the oil prices and crashing the Stock Market will have to be punished. Those who used these crimes to come to power should be banned from ever holding office again. Hillary's orange pants suit is very becoming of her.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Reading the tea leaves; July 20, 2009

Stock Market pundits follow a number of indicators to try to forecast the moves of the Market. Uncommon Wisdom had partnered with an organization that charts the movement of many things and attempts to develop formulas for these. You can check out how well the cycles are followed by the actual Market. Not too well, as it turns out, but there is quite a bit of predictive ability to this method.

So, what do these tea leaves tell us?

The S&P 500 rallies from a bear market low and spends 2-3 months trading sideways. Then it goes up again. This second leg is almost upon us. In fact, we maybe in it. Pundits cite the accumulation of cash and the improvement of profits as driving forces. Goldman Sachs predits a move of the S&P 500 to 1000. The cycle theory predicts a cycle top in April for the DOW. A crash will bottom out late 2012.

The dollar is weak, but this weakness is hidden by the fact that the Euro is even weaker. The Obama regime relies on cheapening everyone's dollar holdings so they can rescue the banks from the consequence of "mark to market.' This, in fact, robs the world of some of their property. Socialists always commit the crime they accuse us of doing; in this case robbing the world.

Gold will begin a rally this month and reach a high in 2010 April, dip and reach its high in 2010 August.

The economy and the Stock Market will recover in 2013, presumably after the Obama regime is gone.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Deja vu.

I must confess to enjoy the expressiveness of some European languages. What better way of saying bad boy than by calling someone a "maladetto," or a murderer an "asassino?" A stupid person can be either called a "durak," a "stupido" or a "democrat." And repeating the past is expressed by "deja vu."

The minions of the Barak Hussein regime are dead set to rerun the Roosevelt years and the Jimmy Carter years and their foreign policy is a rerun of the Johnson years. The idea of fighting the Taliban untill we can negotiate with "moderate elements in the Taliban" is a repeat of the Johnson idiocy of negotiating with the Viet Cong. After a while democrats gave up amid the cheers of the Media. The death of Walter Cronkite reminds us of the betrayal of Viet Nam, cheered on by the likes of Cronkite.

The W Post is already beginning to chronicle American casualties, though in a restrained manner. Give them time though and their tune will change.

The problem that everyone (well, almost everyone) ignores is the Irantern, the international network of Islamist conspiracy to support Islamization through terror, or as in Europe, through overwhelming the population. Ultimately, it is not possible to weed out Islamic extremists, because they base their extremism on the Kuran. So, unless Islam undergoes a theological Reformation toward tolerance, the only way to deal with Islam is to evict it and restrict it to lands in the Middle East and parts of Africa.

The Ride Through the Flags.

The Tour de France gets really interesting when the riders reach the Alps. It is a delirious experience for both the riders and the fans. Some of the best athletes of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Russia and the United States have battled their way through the meadows and hills of France (and on occasion of neighboring areas) and now face the ultimate test the sport has to offer: the Alps. It is on these slopes that the race is usually won. On the plains the riders can stay in the peloton (that sausage of riders) and energy expenditure is reduced. But on the climbs in the Alps, it is the few riders who have that extra energy to break away that have the advantage.

Astana, Armstrong's team has the leading riders. Today, Contador gained the yellow jersey and Armstrong is behind him. I hope you had watched today's race, especially the last climb. The road was lined with fans, sporting the flag of their countries, running with the rider or just waving the flag. It is the ultimate support of the fans to boost the morale of the rider to reach for the extra bit of energy he needs to make it. Champions of Spain, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Russia were there facing the challenge of the slope and each other. It is the ride of their lives that they will remember, this ride through the flags.

The little boy in me rejoices and remembers his bike rides in the hills near Miskolc, Hungary. The man in me broods that these may be the last days of the Europe that I love, before Socialism and Islam reduce it to abject barbarism. Enjoy the Tour while it lasts. Enjoy the Tour while it is allowed.

A feminist film: Alexandra's project

The Intro to the movie sounded neutral enough: a man returns home to find a birthday present containing a video and it turns out to be unexpected. It is anything but neutral.

The movie begins in the bedroom of a well-to-do Australian couple Steve (Gary Sweet) and Alexandra (Helen Buday). Steve is a well-muscled white male of maybe 45 (illustrated in a couple of minutes of frontal nudity shot) and Alexandra looks like a Hungarian refugee woman who has never been to a beauty parlor (Buday is a Hungarian name, meaning someone from the City of Buda, the Western side of Budapest).

It is Steven's birthday and he is promised a surprise when he comes home. After a bit of an enthusiastic hug for his daughter (feminist hint #1), Steve leaves to work. The Board of his Corporation promotes him. He is shown having lunch with a female coworker (feminist hint #2) then Steve returns home.

Steve finds that his key can not open the lock of his front door, but the door is open, he walks in and closes the door, which locks shut. The house is dark, the light bulbs have been removed, his family is nowhere to be found. He finds a birthday present (a tape wrapped like a present) and puts it in the video tape machine. The TV shows a coquettish Alexandra who soon launches into a somewhat clumsy and amateurish strip tease. Steve likes the show, especially after Alexandra's shirt and bra come off and she stands in her panties. That's when Alexandra tells Steve that she has breast cancer and has to undergo bilateral mastectomy. The horrified Steve then is told that this was a sham, that the cancer does not exist and Alexandra's small patch on her breast is not left there from a biopsy, but is a fake.

Here begins the feminist declaration, hot and heavy, no longer hints and symbols. Alexandra accuses Steve of having made her breasts into objects and that those playful things they used to do were in fact unwelcome to her. Soon, the panties are off too and Alexandra tells Steve "you never loved me, you were in love with my body." She accuses Steve that all his sexual attention to her was in fact unwelcome, done without asking her (i.e. rape, the standard feeling of feminists about sex between a man and a women).

//I interrupt this review here to point out what every married man knows because he experienced it. Women do not behave like robots, who can be turned on by a switch and a command. The time leading up to sex is rife with body language broadcasting desire and willingness which sometimes elicit responses like "not tonight," "I am too tired" or the traditional "I have a headache." The idea that a man does not ask his wife to have sex is absurd.//

The rest of the movie is devoted to Alexandra's project, which is the humiliation and emasculation of Steve. Steve is told that he will never see his children again, because his wife has lots of money that she has earned being a prostitute and that she and the children will be never found. Steve can not open the doors or windows because of the security devices installed by his neighbor on Steve's house. Steve is told that he can no longer turn off the tape, because the broadcast is live and we see Steve's neighbor having sex with Alexandra (she calls it a freebee). Then Steve breaks open the door leading to the attic and falls through the ceiling to his neighbor's living room (they live in adjacent town houses) that has all the electronic equipment used in making the tape where he is confronted by his semi nude neighbor wielding a gun. Steven's ultimate humiliation is very reminiscent of the final scene of 1984 (where the victim shouts "I love Big Brother"). Steve is forced to drink till he is drunk and is being pawed by his neighbor, who promises to give him new keys to his house.

FemiNaziism that runs through this film is built on the lie that marriage is really rape of the woman. The solutions FemiNazis offer (lesbian love or prostitution) needs to be commented on in a wider context. In a number of ways, we are reminded that when God is not in an activity, that activity fails. The French Revolution offered an overthrow of God with Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The outcome was the exact opposite: terror, tyranny and class warfare on a grand scale of extermination. Socialism claims to offer equality and prosperity, but in reality it offers serfdom for the many and rule by the whims of the elite that decide how much misery the rest of us must endure. Environmentalism elevated the Earth to Godhood at the expense of humanity and causes other miseries besides. So, we are not surprised that lesbianism offers women not true love but a perversion of it that strips women of motherhood. And Alexandra, who complained about not being asked by her husband who made her body into a sex object, had made herself into a sex object, because prostitution does just that. In the end, all these "isms" that exclude God are pretty similar to what Satan offered Eve: to be like God by disobeying Him. Reality did not turn out that way.

One final thought using the earthy expression I was told: if you think that sex is a pain in the a$$, you're not doing it right.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Reading the tea leaves. July 17, 2009.

I would like to comment on the state of the Stock Market and use this opportunity to enclose a chart. The chart is the technical analysis of the Standard and Poor 500 (the large cap index), which is fairly representative of the broad market. So, here is the chart drawn today:

There are several features worth noting. The head and shoulders feature forecast a coming drop in stock prices and last week it seemed that we were heading lower. The S&P 500 then ran into its 200 day moving average (200DMA) and bounced upward. In technical terms this aborts the "head and shoulders" formation and its expected consequence of a drop equal to the size of the head (measured from the trend line to the top of the head).

What next?

The bouncing off of the 200DMA is a bullish sign and so is the MACD crossing the "0" level. The MACD represents the Market running ahead of its moving average, in this case, above the 50DMA. The crossing of the 50DMA above the 200DMA (known as "the golden cross") has occured in June and is, therefore still intact. In spite of the dire economic forecast, we are out of the Bear Market. Will we stay out of a new Bear Market?

A previous forecast set the YES/NO level of the S&P 500 at 930. Because time has passed the crucial daily close is now 945 that is a NO on the Bear Market and 965 as a YES on the Bull Market.

IMO, if the Senate passes the CAP & TAX bill or the OBAMACARE atrocity, we may go back into a Bear Market. But it will take time. Enjoy the Summer.

An Aussie view on waterboarding (from Jim).

T. B. Bechtel, a City Councillor from Newcastle, Australia, was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists. His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderousapplause from the audience. HIS STATEMENT: 'If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner's testicles to a carbattery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will savejust one Australian life, then I have only three things to say :"Red is positive, black is negative, and make sure his nuts are wet.'

Hear, hear!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama; into catastrophy.

Obama is fast losing credibility on the economy right along with the Media. Carl Rove recalls how Obama told us that the Stimulus(Porkulus) bill would create millions of jobs this year. How well this Bill worked can be told by how the ObamaSpin changes. First, we were told that millions of jobs were created, then we were told that the stimulus is about to cut in then Obama changes the story that really the Stimulus bill was meant to work in two years. The hapless Biden has not gotten the latest spin, so he still talks about how well Porkulus is working. The Media is still trying to shield Obama, but is heaving a harder time as businesses continue to fold and people losing their jobs. It's like when ABC tried to excuse Obama's moment of girl watching at the G-8 with Sarkozy looking on smiling. Unlike in economics, the President needed no protection from ABC. Most of us guys have done that: the momentary look at the female form, ending with an earnest look at a car, the traffic, the ground, whatever. The idea is to get the look without alerting the person being watched. It was well done. I blame Sarkozy. ABC, get a life! But I digressed.

I no longer feel alone in seing where this is leading. Dick Morris (a Democrat) wrote a book on how Obama is taking us to catastrophy. Jim Rogers (a legendary trader) calls the Obama record a fast move toward Communism and this is what Mort Zuckerman (another Democrat) says:

"I don't think there is anything here that's going on that is deliberately going to help this, because I don't think that's the philosophy of this administration. I think we're heading in for a very, very difficult time. And what distresses me is that I don't get the sense that there's any planning on the part of the government to do something this time that really does focus on jobs, jobs, jobs; and doesn't put in a whole melange of Democratic wish list programs, et cetera, et cetera, that is so diluted the original stimulus program. A lot of people -- including a lot of people who are favorable to this administration -- pointed that out at the very beginning."

The second Reconstruction is not going well.

Will he or won't he?

Will Barak Hussein rescue the Media or will he let them go financially belly up? The American people quit reading newspapers and the TV networks are not doing so well either. The Media would like to be bailed out. It is not a done deal though. Why not, you might ax. Aren't the Media in Obama's corner? Yeah they are, but they pretend that they are independent (and get this -it is funny- the Media claims they are fair). If they were bailed out, they would become government Media, like GM is 'Government Motors.' I would'nt drive a GM car even if they gave it to me free. It would be like contributing to the UAW or the Communist Party.

However, not all the Media is in the dumps. Besides, some leftist billionaires like Soros or Buffet might step in. Also, the Obamabots may pressure the banks to loan the Media money.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The purpose of Obamanomics.

If you have not noticed yet, Obama is rerunning the Roosevelt years. The Roosevelt years began with converting market excesses into an excuse to impose Socialism. In 1929, rampant speculation in the Stock Market was allowed to drive prices to unreasonable levels. The speculation was fueled by very lax margin requirements. The economic depression that followed the Stock Market crash was then made permanent by imposing the 'mark to market' accounting system that froze the money in the banks. Roosevelt and his cronies used this to institute all sorts of economic controls by the government like the devaluation of the dollar. The failure of the Roosevelt policies was blamed on President Hoover. In fact, the economy did not recover untill 'mark to market' was repealed by Roosevelt around the start of WWII.

Fast forward now to 2008. An unknown Junior Senator from Illinois was nominated by the Democrats as their standard bearer. Wild speculation in the real estate market was used to again impose the 'mark to market' accounting system to freeze the money in the banks. The economy froze instantly. Obama was elected to get us out of our economic troubles.

Just as Roosevelt had no intention of restoring America's economic wellbeing, Obama has no intention of restoring economic prosperity. Quite the contrary. Maintaining 'mark to market' continues to tie up the banks. That in turn makes America's big companies near bankrupt, Obama has already expropriated General Motors, Chrysler and part of the banking and mortgage industry and he said that the government has the right (since when?) to take over any other failing enterprise. The Socialists plan to take over health care and the energy industry. Their goal is to control about half of America's economy directly. They intend to set prices and wages. Part of their goal is already achieved: tax payments had dropped by nearly a third so higher taxes will be necessary.
Letter from the Chairman.

Letter comes here from the Chairman, it’s money that he asks,
But I do quietly wonder if he’s up to his task.

Has he told the people yet that Dems tried to lose the war?
That Comrade Obama’s going very, very far
In trying to convert us to a Socialist paradise
That it is his policies making unemployment rise?
Has he protested the vote fraud from one coast to the other
Or the theft in Minnesota is for him no bother?
Has he accused the big Networks of pro-Obama bias?
Has he told them face to face that their pundits are liars?
Has he protested House votes for bills that were not read?
Is he worried that coal miners will lose their bread?
Has he demanded that smearing of Sarah Palin stop?
Or does he just get a paycheck while others do his job?

Chairman Steele said that it is he who speaks for the GOP,
OK, Mister Michael Steele SPEAK, so we all can hear!

©Geezer Béla in Exile,
A Freedom Fighter Poet.
‘freely gotten, freely given.’

The Case Against Sotomayor.

Sonia Sotomayor represents a step back in time to the days when some justice was not color-blind. Her past statements that she would side with groups she favors are now being denied by her. She is also trying to lie her way out of her attitude that a wise Latina could make a better judiciary decision than a white man. That alone is proof of bias. Her promises now to be faithful to the Law is simply a lie which provides no reassurance but questions about her integrity.

Her lies are inspiring other lies by her supporters. The case in point is Senator Leahy of Vermont. Leahy said [talking to Sotomayor]: "You said that, quote, you 'would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would reach wise decisions.'"
But that is NOT what Sotomayor said. The actual quote, delivered in a 2001 speech to law students at the University of California at Berkeley, was: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Sotomayor clearly said that she would rule differently than a white male and that is bias. That Leahy lies to sell another liar is not a surprise.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Middle of Summer.

Other than the time we lived in Colorado, I have always regarded Summer with a kind of dread. The temperature is way out of the comfort zone, mosquitos seem to be ever present and gunning for me and you do not know what to dread more: the days without rain or the rain that turns the place into a sauna. In Maryland I consoled myself with having a garden and thinking of the hazy, muggy and hot days as "tomato weather" or the time of cucumbers. After we moved to Texas it is somewhat different: the days are hotter, less humid and yes, it is the time for tomatoes at least at the numerous fruit stands. As you know, mine were stolen by the tree rats.

There is something else that takes your mind off the heat in July, Le Tour de France. It is a time of nostalgia for me, a visit to the Europe that was before the coming of Arabs and Africans, who are conspicuously absent at the Tour de France. I love to see the countryside of France, the old, walled enclosures, the buildings covered with red clay shingles, the small buildings built to human scale and before the atrocity of modern architecture. Not even speaking of the fields and vineyards that is as much a part of Europe as are the Alps or the Pyrenees. Each Tour I give thanks that the France of old still stands and try to forget that these days are numbered because God had withdrawn His Grace from these people. Because those whom God loves, He gifts with children and the French are dieing out.

You can ask me why I do not care for the Arab and African immigrants into France and I will tell you: because they are not Europeans and have no intention of becoming Europeans. They have not developed roots in French soil, their sweat has not been watering the crops of the land. They stay in their enclaves, which grow larger by the year. They do not embrace the traditions of France, they remain strangers in a strange land. And they are prone to be captured by the worst that France has to offer, which is Socialism.

It is not that different in the US. While, whites and blacks were segregated in the past by custom and law, they are segregated now, because a difference in attitude. A young black man I once quoted on the RB said that blacks will remain outside of American society as long as they maintain the attitude that "they owe us." The failure of blacks to see this is shown in the aftermath of a recent election in Mississippi:

Do the young black children of this Mississippi town feel better now that a black man is Mayor of their town? No. They taunt the former Mayor by dropping their their pants and yelling...well, you can read the article. And His Honor the new Mayor? His goals are summarized in an interview: "I just want the people to be comfortable. Small towns like this depend on government funding and that’s what we’re seeking." You can easily see what comes next. The people will become a vote farm for the Democrats in exchange for the dole. Just as the imported Arabs and Africans become vote farms for the Socialists in France. It seems that Socialism works is similar ways everywhere: it destroys peoples' ambition to become better off. Socialism delande est!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Carbon dioxide Marxism.

Marxists must feel confident because they are beginning to discuss their goals and plans openly. Shortly following on the heels of the House passage of the climate bill that would begin the process of what Obama referred to as "bankrupting companies that use coal" the plans of using carbon dioxide emission as a tool to equalize wealth has been unveiled:

The plan calls for "equalizing carbon dioxide emission" on a per capita basis by targeting the well to do. The goal is to restrict emissions to 11 tons/person/year. Current estimates of emission are 5 tons/person/year in the developing world, 10 tons/p/y in Europe and 20 tons//p/y in the United States. Just how such draconian changes will come about is not announced at present. But, it certainly would involve restrictions on where we live, how much we can travel and what types of cars we can have (if any) or where to set the thermostat. And of course taxing away the wealth of people in the United States. Now, let's look at the numbers and that means let's look at the numbers that the proponents of such schemes do not state.

The population of the US is 350 million, that of Europe is 730 million and the total world population is 4.9 billion, so the numbers come out like this in terms of carbon emission: US: 350Mx20M= 7Billion/year. EU: 730Mx10M= 7.3Billion/year. Rest: 3,900Mx5= 19.5Billion/year Total: 34.5 Billion tons/whole world. Planned (best case scenario of ZPG, which we know is too optimistic because non-Europe and non-US population growth is way above ZPG) US: 350Mx11= 3.85Billion/year. EU: 730x11 = 8.03Billion/year. Rest:3,900x11= 42.9Billion/year. Total 54.8 Billion tons/year. So the result of the eco-Marxist plan is to almost double carbon dioxide emission for the whole world, while halving it in the United States. Clearly the proposed plan would not reduce carbon dioxide emission for the whole planet. Or, as Ronald Reagan would put it: you Marxists don't have a plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, you have a plan to take away half of our wealth.

Carol Brouner is the person Barak Hussein appointed as the CZAR to manage "climate change." Carol Brouner is a member of the Socialist International.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sanctification of the profit motive.

Those of us who rent tools expect to pay for the privilege. We figure that in the long run we are better off renting some tools because it is cheaper to rent tools for infrequent use than to buy them. In turn, we expect the rental fee to cover the use of a building, the salary and insurance of those who work there, the repair and eventual replacement of the tools and some left over as profit. It is the aggregate of profit earned by each business that provides for the rise in living standards, for investment and also for taxes. Why? Because it is the profits on businesses that provide for new investments in production and services.

The ultimate tool is money. Money can rent any tool and those who rent money are also entitled to a profit.

Under Marxist economics, profit is deemphasized and living standards are low. If we look at the earnings of citizens in Cuba, N Vietnam, or the formerly Communist countries, we are astounded at their low living standards. One Russian worker put it this way: “they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work for them.” And Marxist economics behind the Iron Curtain produced shortages, so that even toilet paper became an item in short supply. The inherent inefficiency of Marxist economics became clear even to the Communists.

As Jesus was reaching Jerusalem on His way to the Cross, he told two parables that sanctified profits: the parable of the Talents and the parable of the Minas. //Those of you not familiar with ancient coinage, a Talentum( talent in English) was worth 60,000 times the daily wage and the Mina was worth 20 times the daily wage// A king traveled to a foreign land and left three servants with various number of coins. When he returned the king rewarded those servants who invested the money in commerce and made profit, while He punished those who buried the coins and returned them without a profit. The king remonstrated that he would have expected the servant to have at least lent the money to a bank, because that would have earned interest. The king was described as a man who expected to reap even without sewing: i. e. an investor.

I hope that we have learned from the fate of Eastern Europe that Marxism is deadly to the well-being of a people. And let us not fall for the cheap sloganeering of crypto-Marxists who rail against unfettered Capitalism and describe low taxation of earnings as “tax cuts for the rich.”

Socialism delande est!

The Squirrels Had Taken My Tomatoes

The Squirrels Had Taken My Tomatoes

The squirrels had taken my tomatoes,
The vines now forlorn and bare,
In the heat of July they won’t bear again,
Even with water and care.

We built up the soil over the years
And water pipes carefully laid,
A twenty foot cattle guard made a good arch
For vines to get sun and the air.

The first Summer bugs drilled holes in the fruit,
The second year they ate the leaves
And now the squirrels took fruit that is green,
Greedy, little, furry thieves.

The land is infested with parasites
Who just take and don’t want to work,
Who want to share what others work to grow,
But don’t care to dig in the dirt.

I tell you my patience is wearing thin
Of thieves who just steal my produce.
If they come to my land stealing again
It’s time for the shotgun to use.

July 08, 2009, Texas.
An allegirical poem.
Copyright by Geezer Bela in Exile

Tax cuts for the rich.

Socialists in America (Democrats in general and Liberal Democrats in particular) use demagoguery when describing economic policies of their opponents. "Tax cuts for the rich" they scream, when the GOP wants to reduce tax rates to stimulate the economy. And before that there was the "trickle down" economics pejorative. It is surprising how inept Republicans are at hitting these hanging curves.

Let's take the "tax cuts for the rich" demagoguery. The dirty secret is that Liberals do not tax wealth, but income. So, letting high wage earners (or Investors) keep more of what they earn is not giving them money, just reducing what the government takes from them. If we want to stimulate the economy, the best way of doing that is by letting the people best at producing income keep more of it, so they can earn even more. They will do that by employing more people. And the voters have two choices: will they allow the high earners keep more of it and put people to work? or feel better by taking it from them and lose their jobs? Not so hard is it Senator McCain!

Why Socialism is such a failure.

Socialism occurs in many forms and therefore with different levels of failure. There is Communism (two theme parks of such misery remain: Cuba and North Vietnam), Socialism in Latin America, the kleptocratic Socialism of Africa and the Social democracies of Europe. Then there is China: a different animal all by itself: a Market Economy led by a Communist Party. Arab Socialism had reverted to the usual dictatoreal Arab society.

Socialism has been a failure everywhere, especially in Eastern Europe and China. It produced abysmally low living standards, incredible pollution, a loss of human freedom and a cruel disctorship.

Socialism in Western Europe took a different turn and became what we know today as "democratic Socialism" or "social democracy." The degree of failure of Socialism depends on the residual strength of reasonable behavior inspired by Christianity, national resources and industries that existed before Socialism became entranched. Social democracy is not quite as big a failure as Communism was, because half the income in Europe is still in the hands of the people. Also, the Socialists do not actually own these economies, they simple attach themselves as parasites that suck the profit of the country and redistribute it to win elections.

It is difficult for the people to see how much a failure social democracy is, because most of them have not seen what their societies were before the "CHANGE," because technology produces some advancements, because their oppositions ceased to oppose Socialism and because they do not know how good tings would be without social democracy. But, we see what these countries have become in terms of historical terms. Social democracy loosened morality to the point that between STDs and the necessity of women to work, these countries no longer reproduce at a rate to remain viable societies for long. Incidentally, this is also true of Japan. Culturlly, Europe lives on its legacy from the past or succomb to the cesspool of cultural nihilism. Social Security equivalents are going broke because those who work are becoming a smaller minority. And to make matters worse, European Socialists allowed Muslims to settle in Europe (in the mistaken belief that this would replenish their working population) so there would be taxpayers. This has been a huge mistake that will cost Europe dearly.

We are at the beginning of this process. If Barak Hussein is succesfull, the federal govt will control about 48% of the income (like in Germany) and have a private army to repress opposition (as in Iran).

So, Socialism is a failure, but why? I believe that first and foremost Socialism is basically the creation of atheists, based on atheism. And God warned us that if He is not part of our process, it is doomed to failure. But, there are economic reasons that are easy to discern intellectually. Socialism is geared to produce equality and requires redistribution of income. Earning the income becomes secondary. If income is taken from those who are best at making it, this will have two harmful effects: first, it will discourage the earners of income to produce income and second it will put the income into the hands of people less able to produce income. That is why a stimulus does not work very well, whereas tax cuts do. But, Socialists do not want tax cuts because those increase inequality. So, Socialism reduces growth and earnings.

A Revolution in Communication.

Newspapers are going out of business. In a few years, newspapers will be gone and hopefully, all the Liberal Media outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN. These news organizations have outlived their usefullness, destroyed themselves with their bias and their contra-national survival opinions. Those of us who are not Socialists do not accept the idea that only Socialism is a valid (let alone moral) way of thinking, doing business, etc.

What will be the future like, I mean in communications? Here are my opinions. Communication is becoming more decentralised as more people have access to facts and can communicate facts and opinions very quickly. Of course, this will not mean the end of Socialism or even biased reporting. But I believe that Barak Hussein will give us a lesson on why Socialism does not work.

The availability of facts, video and searchable text will make it harder for politicians and the Media to fabricate stories. There will be, of course, the "moderates," who either do not know or do not care.But, they will have the tools.

Who is a Christian?

Most people would answer this by saying that a Christian is someone who believes certain things, knows certain things and practices certain things. This, you may agree, is more than somewhat vague. A more detailed definition might be that a Christian reads the Bible, goes to a Christian church and tries to follow a life that obeys the Ten Commandments. A good answer, but still incomplete. Those of you who attend a conservative church will say that a real Christian trusts in Jesus Christ for his salvation, which is the truth, but means little for those who have not attended Sunday school. A really informative definition comes from the second chapter of Ephesians in the Bible. It tells you that we are saved by Faith FOR good works and the saving Faith is a gift from God, not a reward for or a product of good behavior. And the saving Faith? It is a special tool for discerning truth; in this case, the knowledge that Jesus died to expiate the sins of Adam (and through him all mankind) and all those who can believe this (i.e. have the saving Faith) will be saved from the consequences of the original sin of Adam and Eve. And the original sin? A disobedience of God’s command not to eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Satan lied to Eve that the fruit of knowledge would make her and Adam like God, just as Socialists lie that Socialism will produce justice, harmony, prosperity and equality. It is no coincidence that most Socialists are atheists, though there are some atheists who can reason out that Capitalism works better than Socialism and some Christians who are seduced by the lies that Socialists tell. My posts will enlarge on these topics.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Welcome to Geezer in Exile

There will be a large number of posts here dealing with the topics covered in describing the blog. Some will deal with who I am that's already written elsewhere, some will deal with current topics or topics that are timeless. There will be poems, assays and pictures, when I have figured out how to upload them. I will include references, websites and articles from other blogs that I think are pertinent to the topics.

My goal is to create a blog like Americanthinker, but I will do all the posting to begin with and maybe invite others to post later on. Since, I am new to this, it will take time to get the procedures down to where it is mutually satisfactory.