Saturday, July 11, 2009

Who is a Christian?

Most people would answer this by saying that a Christian is someone who believes certain things, knows certain things and practices certain things. This, you may agree, is more than somewhat vague. A more detailed definition might be that a Christian reads the Bible, goes to a Christian church and tries to follow a life that obeys the Ten Commandments. A good answer, but still incomplete. Those of you who attend a conservative church will say that a real Christian trusts in Jesus Christ for his salvation, which is the truth, but means little for those who have not attended Sunday school. A really informative definition comes from the second chapter of Ephesians in the Bible. It tells you that we are saved by Faith FOR good works and the saving Faith is a gift from God, not a reward for or a product of good behavior. And the saving Faith? It is a special tool for discerning truth; in this case, the knowledge that Jesus died to expiate the sins of Adam (and through him all mankind) and all those who can believe this (i.e. have the saving Faith) will be saved from the consequences of the original sin of Adam and Eve. And the original sin? A disobedience of God’s command not to eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Satan lied to Eve that the fruit of knowledge would make her and Adam like God, just as Socialists lie that Socialism will produce justice, harmony, prosperity and equality. It is no coincidence that most Socialists are atheists, though there are some atheists who can reason out that Capitalism works better than Socialism and some Christians who are seduced by the lies that Socialists tell. My posts will enlarge on these topics.

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