Sunday, July 26, 2009

But it is all about him.

Harvard "scholar" Henry Louis Gates Jr. is being shown by the Media as an affable, smiling man who is ready to "move on" especially "if his experience will reduce racial profiling."

This is just the latest by the Obamabots and the Media to spin the story. The encounter had happened because of who Henry Louis Gates is and where he works. Mr Gates is a "scholar" at the W.B. DuBois Center, which is named for a Leftist radical, who later became a member of the Communist Party. The goal of the DuBois Center is to radicalize black scholars and turn them into Marxists like Obama and Gates.

Mr Gates tried to create a disturbance so that he could make a name for himself in the radical-friendly Media of Massachusetts and elsewhere. He shouted to the people in the street that he was mistreated by the police. He later threatened a lawsuit. Sargent Crowly (very astutely) had left his radio on and the episode was recorded. So, the Marxist radicals Obama and Gates are now backpedalling on charges of mistreatment, wrongful arrest, etc. And a profiling charge is totally without merit. This is simply another tactic by radicals, to hitch an episode where their ploys go awry to general charges that are harder to refute. So, what is "profiling?" In a black neighborhood, suspiciously acting blacks are watched and sometimes stopped by the police. It is done to protect the community.

Radical agitators, such as Obama and Gates' trainees are instructed to agitate blacks so they become thoroughly frustrated and radicalized - ready to start a revolution. Preventing the police from carrying out their job is part of the radical strategy. YES, this is all about the radicals like Obama and Gates.

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