Sunday, July 19, 2009

Deja vu.

I must confess to enjoy the expressiveness of some European languages. What better way of saying bad boy than by calling someone a "maladetto," or a murderer an "asassino?" A stupid person can be either called a "durak," a "stupido" or a "democrat." And repeating the past is expressed by "deja vu."

The minions of the Barak Hussein regime are dead set to rerun the Roosevelt years and the Jimmy Carter years and their foreign policy is a rerun of the Johnson years. The idea of fighting the Taliban untill we can negotiate with "moderate elements in the Taliban" is a repeat of the Johnson idiocy of negotiating with the Viet Cong. After a while democrats gave up amid the cheers of the Media. The death of Walter Cronkite reminds us of the betrayal of Viet Nam, cheered on by the likes of Cronkite.

The W Post is already beginning to chronicle American casualties, though in a restrained manner. Give them time though and their tune will change.

The problem that everyone (well, almost everyone) ignores is the Irantern, the international network of Islamist conspiracy to support Islamization through terror, or as in Europe, through overwhelming the population. Ultimately, it is not possible to weed out Islamic extremists, because they base their extremism on the Kuran. So, unless Islam undergoes a theological Reformation toward tolerance, the only way to deal with Islam is to evict it and restrict it to lands in the Middle East and parts of Africa.

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