Sunday, January 25, 2015

Black swans landing.

1. The ECB announced its QE program of buying up various govt and industrial bonds. The Euro promptly collapsed.

2. Syriza of Greece has won the election and is about to be able to form a government without a coalition. The only thing not clear is the size of the victory. Expect the Market to respond negatively.

3. Ukrainian separatists continue to advance in  Donetsk and Luhansk. In addition, they have reopened the front at Mariupol with three rocket barrages. Ukraine's govt is meeting today to consider what to do. They still do not want to reverse their disastrous policies. The rebels see no reason to negotiate.

Further black swans:

4. Boko Haram continues to gobble up Nigerean territory.

5. Yemen is now under extremist control and the President has resigned.

6. The Muslim Preident of the US and his minions have unleashed a hate campaign against the Israeli Prime Minister.

7. The same Muslim President and his minions have published US battle plans fighting ISIS.

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