Friday, May 12, 2017

The Swamp Empire Strikes Back.

What is going on in DC and the Media?
You are seeing the Washington establishment at work. What you’re witnessing, what you’re watching is the Washington establishment circling the wagons and doing everything it can to get rid of the president of the United States. (RL)
The synthetic scandal.
The Democrat Party and the Media has created a synthetic scandal about the Russian interference in our election and collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Diane Feinstein (LaLa Senator), when asked if there is ANY evidence of this responded: NOT YET.
The Media does not ask: EVIDENCE OF WHAT?
1. Were the voting machines hacked? NO.
2. Was the vote manipulated? Except for instances done by the Democrats NO.
3. Did the Russians make illegal contributions? NO.
4. Did the Russians make Hillary have an illegal server and make her lie about it? NO.
5. Did the Russians make Hillary skip Wisconsin? NO.
6. Did the Russians make Hillary tell the coal miners that they were through? NO.
So, what is left that the Russians could have done? The Dems shout that the Russians hacked Podesta's emails, leaked the emails to WikiLeaks and thus let the people know what Hillary's campaign was all about. Is there proof of this? NO. Even if this were true, the Trump campaign was not involved in this.
What about  the contacts between Trump's campaign aids and the Russians? Yeah, what about them? People can and should have contact with the Russians. There are rules about these contacts and the contacts were legal.

The derivative "scandal."

The President fired FBI Director Comey. The Dems and the Media are trying to build this into a separate scandal like Nixon firing his people in the Watergate scandal. Except, Mr Comey did not uncover anything about the President. No! Mr Comey was fired for incompetence and failure to follow procedure.

1. Mr Comey failed to refer Hillary Clinton to the Justice Dept for transmitting classified material over an unauthorized server. Instead, Comey dismissed his findings on the grounds that there was no intent on Hillary's part to hurt the US. There is no intent required for criminal prosecution for the transmission charge. If there is intent (as in espionage or treason), it is covered by other statutes.

2. Mr Comey failed to follow instructions to find out who leaked classified material to the Press.

3. Mr Comey failed to investigate the spying on the Trump campaign and the unmasking of names swept up in the clever (and legal) wiretapping of Russian officials.

4. Mr Comey failed to investigate Hillary's involvement in the sale of a uranium producing company and the subsequent payment to the Clinton Foundation. Since, the State Dept had to OK the sale, the deal smells of corruption.

What should the President do to protect his Office and the Country's interest?

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