Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What to make of the NFL players efforts?

The whole brouhaha started with Colin Kaepernik  who refused to stand for the playing of the National anthem. The NFL protocol calls for players standing during the playing of the National Anthem, holding the helmet with one hand while placing the other hand over the heart. Kaepernik stated that his reasons were 1. to protest police treatment of blacks; 2. supporting "social justice" and 3. inequality.
Mr Kaepernik wears his ideology on his chest: pictures of Fidel Castro.
The Left promotes the idea that white police officers are out to gun down innocent black man. That is part of the anti police rhetoric the Left has been promoting for decades. "Social justice" is simply Socialism and it is certainly not just.
The Left has used the dissing of the National Anthem to publicize its allegations until Trump called them on it. That's when NFL teams went berserk to show that they swallowed the Left's canards hook, line and sinker. Everyone had to participate: players, coaches and even owners. Needless to say, the majority of Americans  does not agree and some disapprove strongly. Will this hurt the NFL? Undoubtedly - it is just the question of how much.
The Left wants to do away with football on the grounds that it injures the brains of minority players. They have a point.

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