Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Mueller's strategy to hamper the Administration.

America's enemies are always plotting the demise of our government. Even when we do not hear about their plots, they still plot. There is North Korea, China, Senator (the Dunce) McCain and oh yes: the Special Council Robert Mueller.

Lets make one thing clear: the Trump campaign did nothing that was a crime. But, that does not mean that the Special Council can not manufacture indictments. Washington DC and the North East is populated by anti Trumpers and Mueller could get a door knob indicted let alone Trump campaign participants. Mueller's slavering minions are carefully scrutinizing the papers of Manafort and others to see if someone dotted the i's and crossed the t's and see what can be used against them. Have they received or given gifts, accepted lodging or entertainment. This method was perfected in the prosecution and conviction of the Republican Governor of Virginia. Yes, the conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court, but the Governor and his family were dragged through the mud and he was removed as a viable Presidential candidate. This method of using the court system has been exported to Israel where the Left is trying to unseat PM Netanyahu through the process of indicting him or his wife.

The Trump administration can pardon targeted individuals. And that is the latest battlefield between the Left and Trump. Mueller hired a lawyer to thwart potential pardons. Bloomberg News describes the work of this parasite. He was the one who defended the railroading of Virginia's Governor. The bloodsucking parasite lost, but Mueller's strategy is to terrorize and pressure the former Trump campaign participants into false testimony against Trump. The threat of prosecution is great.

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