Sunday, March 18, 2018

Isikoff-Corn book blows Muellerinvestigation to smithereens.

Some of the details of the book by Michael Isikoff and David Corn clearly indicate that Mueller's investigation is fraudulent and this was known to the Reporters from the beginning.

Mueller's investigation aims to discover details that might be embarrassing to Trump, forcing him to resign or for the Republicans to lose this year's election so the Democrats can impeach him. What is wrong with that you might say? What is wrong with this is that it is a corruption of the use of a Special Counsel and the FBI and the DOJ. The Special Counsel and govt agencies are tasked with unearthing crimes within the government (the Special Counsel is appointed because the Agencies can not impartially investigate themselves).

The statutes on the use of the Special Counsel specify that there must be a crime to be investigated by the Special Counsel. What crime was Mueller appointed to investigate? None was specified. Instead, the Mueller investigation's findings  were being leaked to the Media which tries to present the findings in the most partisan way possible. When the details do not fit the narrative, they are invented.

The Obama regime had corrupted the process. How? The regime sabotaged tax exemption status   for organizations that promote political or philosophical ideas contrary to what was being promoted by the Obama regime. That was a corruption of the IRS. But the regime went further. by corrupting the DOJ, the FBI and the FISA Court to spy on its opponents. The Obama regime spied on opponents of the Iran deal and used Fusion GPS to did up dirt on the Romney campaign.

Things took a more serious turn when unexpectedly, the regime's candidate (Hillary Clinton) ran for President and lost. First, the Obama regime spied on the Trump campaign and then tried to delegitimize the winning candidate by corrupting the DOJ and the Independent Counsel statue.

The holdovers from the Obama regime went to the FISA Court and obtained a warrant for surveilling
certain members of the Trump campaign. The FISA Court was told that the Kremlin had compromising evidence that they could use to blackmail Trump. What was this 'compromising evidence?' The Clinton campaign and the DNC retained Fusion GPS (the same group that dished dirt on the Romney campaign) which then "reported" that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed slept in by the Obamas. This was the notorious "Steele dossier." It was then used as the pretext for surveilling of the Trump campaign and Trump himself.

What were the facts? Trump rented a room in a Moscow hotel and slept there for 5 hours. He made no phone calls from that room and the person that stood guard on the room reported no one but Trump entering or leaving the room all night. In other words, the Steele dossier was a fabrication. The FISA Court was told that the Steele 'dossier' was intelligence, though in reality it was opposition research and fabrication. That was the genesis of the Trump surveillance and later the appointment and start of the  Mueller "investigation."

The process is full of felonious conduct. Republican investigators in Congress demanded a Special Counsel to investigate the crimes committed by the likes of Comey, MacCabe and others.

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