Thursday, March 15, 2018

Spy games in Britain.

Here are the facts. Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned in Salisbury, England by a nerve agent novichok. The agent is known to be produced in a Russian lab. Another Russian, Nikolai Grushkov was found strangled. British PM Theresa May expelled a bunch of Russians from the Russian Embassy and the world awaits Russian retaliation.

Jeremy Corbyn, Labor Leader, suggested that the attack may have been a false flag operation. Using novichok is definitely putting a Russian label on the entire affair. And the way the incident is handled is suspicious. First, the British refused a request from Russia to give them of a sample of the novichok so it can be analyzed in Russia.  If the agent is not of Russian manufacture, that might show up in an analysis. The British claim that PM May demanded an explanation from Russia. The ultimatum now passed and the British expelled 23 Russians from the Embassy. The Russians claim that they did not receive the request.

This sounds like a spy novel. But, serious questions remain. Why would the Russians carry out an assassination in such a way that it obviously points to them? And why would someone carry out a false flag operation? One possibility is the voices we hear that the Soccer World Cup should be canceled in Moscow, come this Summer. Petty stuff? Sure. But there are forces that simply hate Russia since Putin and leadership have gone out of their way to revive the Russian Orthodox Church.

On the other hand, we could have some Russians in their Deep State who want to restore Russia as the enemy of the west.

Like I said this sounds like a spy novel. And Theresa May is obviously not able to handle it.

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