Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All eyes on Mario Draghi.

Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) has a big day tomorrow. He is to tell the world what he intends to do. Actually, it is more "HOW" he  intends to rescue Italy and Spain.

Back in August, Draghi declared that the ECB stands ready to do whatever it takes to rescue the EU (and the Euro). What exactly are the details of "everything?" Some people think that Draghi will make a speech of generalities. Others believe that the speech will be aimed mostly at politicians of Europe, urging them to act responsibly. What exactly is meant by "responsibly?"

In other words, Europe has lost focus on what should be done. Social Democracy does not work. The government managing retirement, medical care, education and transportation does not work. Slow growth and high cost everything is a tune that Europeans danced to for decades and now the time has come to pay the piper. Only, the wallet is empty.

Europe needs to return to privatization. Unfortunately, while European intelligentsia wrote the books on how to build Social Democracy, the book does not exist on how to undo it. So, the problems grow.

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