Friday, September 21, 2012

Wind power: another fiasco.

Renewable energy is one of the cornerstones of the Liberal strategy to stop the use of coal, oil and natural gas. Like much of the Obama foreign policy, it is based on faulty assumptions and is falling apart.

I have already posted on the problems of the solar industry. This post has to do with wind energy. The occasion for this post is an article in the NY Times:

You know that when the NY Times prints an article that details the failure of a Liberal policy (especially one championed by Obama) that failure has grown to catastrophic proportions.

What troubles the wind energy industry? Several things: 1. it is erratic in production; 2. its output is minuscule and insufficient; 3. the modern version kills birds; 4. it has been taken over by China and Spain and 5. it can not exist without subsidies.

Using the newest techniques of fracking (which are both efficient and clean), the Country is producing so much natural gas that it can meet all of our needs and some. We do not need to import machinery from overseas and it needs no subsidies from taxes. Doesn't it get subsidies, too? No. It is one of the lies promoted by Liberals that oil and gas use is subsidized. Oil and gas producers get an occasional TAX BREAK so they can offset some of their cost by reduced taxes. Wind farms are actually paid money from taxes collected from other people. The wind industry is dependent on the subsidy and without it they can not exist. And Congress is getting reluctant to subsidize  Chinese manufacturers who dump their wares below cost.

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