Saturday, September 15, 2012

France: The insanity of the Left.

The French seem to be bent on choosing paths that put their nation at risk. The French Revolution destroyed France's aristocracy, depriving it of a chance to develop into an educated elite. Then, France united under Napoleon, who led them against Europe and eventually killed off much of the able bodied youth of the Country. Why, just in recent years, France has allowed immigration of the Islamic North Africa to the extent that French culture has begun to fade in its cities.

The recent election of Francois Hollande as the Socialist President of France puts the country on the road toward being an economic basket case as well. How? Leftists like Hollande have an insane attraction to the Environmentalist Wackoes of the Western World. Accordingly, the Socialists are going to raise taxes on the rich, which will drive them out of the Country. France's richest man has become a Belgian. Others will follow. But, the biggest folly is yet to come.

France has reduced its vulnerability to the oil blackmail by developing atomic power plants. Pres Hollande just accepted the "green" agenda of reducing the amount of energy from atomics from 75% to 50%. This will be done by decommissioning 24 reactors by 2025. The French government rejected 7 proposals for shale gas exploration. And the government agreed to subsidize costly biodiesel production. I am sure that solar boondoggles will follow.

Do you recognize the path? It is the path that Spain has followed under the Socialists. It lead them to 24% unemployment and being bankrupt.

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