Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Radical America through racial transformation.

AJ begins: The American Left is borrowing from the Venezuelan experience in transforming the US into a Communist state. In Venezuela a charismatic leader of Indian descent was able to mobilize racial minorities and Leftists and took power. What followed was NOT atypical of a Communist state: economic chaos, the ruin of agriculture and food distribution and the ultimate symbol of the failure of Communists in power: A SHORTAGE OF TOILET PAPER. The people of Venezuela finally rebelled at voted the Communists out of power by a two thirds majority. But, will the Communists hand over power?

Obama and his regime and its followers are trying to duplicate the Venezuelan experience. Hence the opening of the border to the influx of Central Americans and the settlement of Syrians. Here is an analysis of the direction of what the American Left is doing to transfer the US.

"You have a secretary of state who's unafraid to acknowledge that he'd be perfectly willing and is looking forward to seizing Exxon's assets, a worldwide multinational corporation, simply because of the way they talk about global warming.  How in the world can we still have Republicans or conservatives thinking that all this is something akin to a debate in the faculty lounge at Harvard or Yale?  How can it be that so many people still fail to come to grips with what we're up against?  And that all of this in the country, support for Trump or anybody other than an establishment candidate, is patriotism?  It's not racism or sexism or bigotry or any of these things.  It's people who love their country, who see it being snatched away from them, who see it being transformed before their very eyes.

How can you not, with the borders wide open and the influx of people who in no way, shape, manner or form even understand where they're coming except for the fact that it's a welfare state, or it's something to undermine. If you happen to be a terrorist sleeper cell member, it's a place to come to undermine, it's a place to come to get even with, it's a place to come because you think it's guilty of all these atrocities around the world for 200 years.  We have made a joke of the whole concept of any new arrivals assimilating and becoming Americans because to this current crop of liberal Democrats, America is a dirty word now.  America equals the white male patriarchy that has to change.  We have to get rid of it. And if you think that that is an exaggeration, hang in there and be tough, because I have found a piece -- you might think it's written by a kook and a wacko and an old ball, and it is, but that's the point.  The kooks and oddballs and wackos have become the mainstream; the radicals are now the mainstream.

Writer Rebecca Traister:  Obama and Hillary represent the death throes of exclusive white male power in the United States.  This was last Wednesday.  And it's not in the communist Daily Worker.  It's in New York Magazine.  "The current election campaign pits the forces of backlash, the old and angry --" That would be the white male power structure. "-- against the forces of frontlash.  That would be the new and different."  The new and different are Hillary and Obama and left-wing causes.

She posits in this piece that Obama and Hillary represent an "altered power structure and changed calculations about who in this country may lead."  She said: "And while the resistance may be symptomatic of death throes, a rage at the dying of the white male light, it nonetheless presents a very real threat. ... Imagine Ted Cruz or Donald Trump or Marco Rubio in office with a Republican Congress and Supreme Court seats to fill. Voting: restricted. Immigration: halted. Abortion: banned. Equal pay: unprotected. Same-sex marriage: overturned."  We can't permit this.  That is the way they are mobilizing.  This moment, this election, these years represent the death throes of exclusive white male power in the US.

So, as far as this woman is concerned, believe me, she's not an outlier.  She's mainstream.  Your support for Trump or your outrage against the Washington establishment, Republican or otherwise, all it means is that you are in the white male camp, and you have always had the power, you've always been able to dictate the social norms and the political direction, you've been able to dictate everything about this country, but not anymore, because we're taking it away from you."

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