Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The fifth Republican debate.

CNN taped out how this debate would go: it was to be an all out attack on Trump, a cage match, as one pundit put it. That's not what happened. While there was some sniping at Trump by Jeb Bush and a war between Rubio and Cruz, everyone agreed that Barack Obama was a disastrous President.

There were divisions: 1. Rand Paul made an impassioned defense of Libertarian values, while Rubio and Christie were arguing for a more robust federal program of spying; 2. Rubio and Cruz sparred over who wanted legalization of illegals and Cruz fought off Rubio by pointing out that Rubio was twisting the facts; 3. Attempts to paint Trump as wanting to shut off the Internet fell flat as Trump told what his position really was.

There were memorable moments as well: 1. Kasich whining about lack of unity between Dems and Republicans shows that Kasich is not up to snuff as a Republican candidate (compromising with people who agenda is stupid at best and evil at worst is no basis for a Presidential candidacy); 2. Chris Christy suggesting that the US declare a 'no fly zone' in Syria and shoot down any Russian plane that violates it even if we have to go to war with Russia shows that Gov Christy has not thought this through. My favorite moment was when Cruz recounted how he would secure the border with Mexico, build the wall and make Donald Trump pay for it.  That broke up everyone and help defuse the tense atmosphere CNN tried to maintain.

In the end CNN did not accomplish its aim. Several candidates mentioned that the real problem was Barak Obama and his lack of strategy to deal with ISIS and instead of fighting each other the candidates unloaded on Obama.

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