Saturday, December 31, 2016

Soros and the lies of a Socialist. Part 2.

What Soros is really after.

Soros tries to camouflage his ideas by calling his favorite system an "open society." It is one, he writes " in which people elected their leaders, who were then supposed to look after the interests of the electorate" as opposed to a society in which "the rulers sought to manipulate their subjects to serve the rulers’ interests."

In reality, the 'open society' of Soros is an elite that governs against the traditions of the society aided by an upper crust of Media, Academy and Artists who deceive the people. All the while, sharpshooters like Soros rob the people by manipulating the currency and the banking system. The elites pick winners in the economy and try to move around people so native populations are overwhelmed by the influx of third worlders, eager and desperate to sell their rights for a bowl of pottage .

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