Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The battle is shaping up.

The Dems are girding up to sabotage Trump's economic plans, leave him with foreign policy landmines that O'Bungle can criticize (while the Media cheers and echoes his lies) and prepare for a time when they can try to drive him from office.

Key to the Democrats' plans are the weak sisters of the Republicans in the Senate (McCain and Graham). Thus, McCain and Graham are already carrying water for the Dems in echoing their fake story that  Russian hackers caused Hillary to lose. Obama is trying to poison the well of Russian-American relations. Then there is the question of how reliable these two Senators will be when it comes to votes on taxes. The Dems do not want tax cuts for business, because they would improve the economy.Those tax cuts are already being labeled as 'tax cuts for the rich.'

Obama and his cronies are trying to sell the idea that what Obama now engineers are simply irreversible and can not be undone by Trump. This is especially true of the anti-Israel moves being made by O'Bungle and Kerry now

The Dems are also preparing an assault on Trump via New York State's Attorney General. The NY AG is 'investigating' the Trump Foundation and won't allow the Foundation to be shut down so he can make all kinds of bogus claims later .

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