Sunday, September 2, 2018

Actually Meghan we did need to MAGA.

Your Father's biggest flaw was that he would take up the other team's jersey and sing their fight song.  And it wasn't as a matter of principle as it was almost random.

But we did need someone to lead us to MAGA. We did need to stop the export of our jobs, our technology and make things at home as we used to. It was about time we did stop defending half the world at our expense. It was time to lower taxes on business so they can expend and provide jobs. It was time to appoint judges who believe in the Constitution and defend our laws. It was time that the Federal govt stopped persecuting Christians at home. It was time to enforce our borders and stop importing people who have no desire to become Americans.

Your Father's America was misled by an Administration that told us to get used to the whittling away of our industry, our armed forces, the value of our money. Yes, changes were needed. And we are getting them.

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