Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Kavanaugh nomination.

The Democrats want to control the Supreme Court, because it is their ace in the hole just in case they can not get Congress to pass their programs. Unlimited abortion and gay marriage came into being that way. A more Conservative Court stands in the way of further legislating from the bench. Judge Kavanaugh pays homage to the Constitution as was written and as was intended and that is not the kind of Justice the Democrats want. So they tried to Bork him. Borking, as you recall, is accusing the nominee of all kinds of judicial extremism. They tried to get the Judge to promise how he would vote and one half wit even asked him to recuse himself on certain future votes. (Hey why not? It worked with the Attorney General). The Judge wouldn't budge. Since the Judge is a squeaky clean person, confirmation seemed a done deal.
That is when Senator DiFi has pulled Plan B.
 I list here not only what she said, but what she thought.
This is how it would go down: I have a letter here from a woman who was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh, she said.  NO she does not want to come forward, NO she does not want to be known, but we should get the FBI to investigate and hold the nomination untill after the election and we have a Democrat Senate. (Actually, the FBI vetted Kavanaugh 6 times).
Well, on second thought, here is her name.  She complained that at a party 32 years ago (she does not know WHEN it happened and NO she does not know WHERE it happened, (but it was at a party far, far away)  Brett Kavanaugh was drunk, climbed on top of her and tried to remove her bathing suit. Why was she wearing a bathing suit to a drinking party? (Do not try to blame her!!!). Anyway, Sen Gillibrand believes her without having heard her testimony and Senator Hirano has told you guys to shut up and let us Dem females scuttle this nomination. Paraphrasing the Evangelist 'when a Republican is accused no proof is necessary and when a Democrat is accused no proof is sufficient).'
YES she is willing to testify under certain conditions. She goes last and no Rep lawyers to ask her questions. Hillary could get away with perjury, but she does not want to risk it. As for the requirement of the law that the accused be there to face the accuser, you people surely do not insist on archaic concept like that? We let you Republican men do the asking and let CNN do the job of editing. Get with the program!

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