Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The best candidate for Anonymous.

By his own admission, Anonymous is a saboteur, one who is sabotaging the Trump Presidency. That leaves his two generals out, because they are doing a pretty decent job. How about AG Sessions? While Mr Trump rants and raves about Jeff Sessions, the AG's problem is not sabotaging but incompetence. By recusing himself from overseeing the DOJ because of his talking with the Russian Ambassador, AG Sessions in fact left the DOJ in the hands of Obama appointees and the Inner State. However, what AG Sessions is doing is not active sabotage, but passive incompetence.

There is an area, however, where active sabotage is taking place though the sabotage is carefully hidden. You have to look at the results and then trace back to the culprit.

The surest way to sabotage the Trump Presidency is to sabotage the world economy. That eventually will crash our own economy.

One way to sabotage the economy of any country is to destroy its currency. This is where Anonymous is making his mark. How big of a mark? Consider the results. Let's look at the currencies of a number of countries. These are the percent changes this year: Venezuela -99.9%; Argentina -50%; S Africa -25%; Turkey -42%; Brazil -23%; Russia -18%; Sudan -61%; Angola -39%; Liberia -18% and India -12%. OK, Venezuala opted for Socialism and it's not a recipe for making a country rich. But the loss of value means that any banks that owns assets of these countries will suffer and eventually trade will be disrupted. How long before the effects of the tax cut and deregulation will be overmatched by the loss of currency and economic activity.

And who controls the money? YES, YES, the Dept of Treasury. Look there!

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