Thursday, September 13, 2018

Borking having failed, Dems try the Thomas ploy on Kavanaugh.

The Bork Playbook Having Failed, Democrats Open up the Thomas Playbook on Kavanaugh

The Evening Campaign Update

(Because The Campaign Never Ends)

Well, this was pretty much inevitable, wasn’t it?  Last week’s tireless effort by Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats to put a Borking on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh failed miserably.  Every lie, every deceitfully-edited video, every empty threat, every “I am Spartacus” moment ran up on the shoals of reality and truth.  The nominee’s eloquence and composure through all of that plus an endless array of leftist nutjobs who had been paid to disrupt the proceedings ended up enhancing the public’s opinion of him and damaging the presidential hopes of political circus ringleaders Kamala Harris and Cory Booker.
Democrats are nothing if not repetitive, having attempted to use their “Borking” strategy against every subsequent Republican Supreme Court nominee since 1987.  They are also extremely predictable, and it was pretty much inevitable that, in this era of all #resistance all the time politics, they would follow their failed Borking of Kavanaugh with an effort at the same sort of “high-tech lynching” they attempted to pull on Clarence Thomas when he was nominated by President George H.W. Bush in 1991.
So it is that we see today’s revelation by the fakenewsers at Buzzfeed that despicable California Senator Dianne Feinstein has referred a letter from a constituent who is just oh, so desperate (she isn’t) to remain anonymous (she won’t) to the FBI because it makes nasty allegations (which are false) about Mr. Kavanaugh.  And get this:  Those allegations allegedly took place while the letter writer and Kavanaugh were in freaking HIGH SCHOOL together.
Yes, friends, these depraved Democrats, having spent months scouring the nominee’s adult life and judicial record and coming up with a big bag of nothing, have now resorted to digging up some woman who claims to have gone to high school with Kavanaugh, and who is willing to try to drag his reputation through the mud.  Feinstein, who has been shopping the letter around Capital Hill all week, claims it just showed up in her mail out of the blue, and if you believe that I have some property in the Texas hill country I’ve been trying to off-load for about 3 years that I’d like to talk to you about.
Trust me on this, it is only a matter of time before…
– We find out the accuser’s name;
– We discover she is being represented by some scumbag lawyer like Michael Avenetti or Lisa Bloom or best of all, Gloria Allred;
– We find out she got paid a ton of money by some Democrat-affiliated, Soros-funded third party group to write and send the letter; and
– We start seeing leftwing talking heads and Democrat politicians rolling out their next big talking point, which will be that we must – MUST – place the Kavanaugh nomination on hold until these oh-so-credible accusations, which will almost certainly be luridly sexual in nature, can be sorted out.
As you can see, this last-ditch, incredibly predictable effort to derail the Kavanaugh nomination meets my “5 Ds” test:  It is despicable, disgusting, disgraceful and depraved, and whenever you see any politically-related episode that fits all four of those Ds, you can bet your entire 401(k) plan balance that the fifth D – Democrats – are behind it.
It won’t work, but you just knew they were going to try it.
That is all.
Follow me on Twitter at @GDBlackmon

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