Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The EU: the Empire strikes back.

The EU is led by a bunch of people whose philosophy is alien to Europeans, hostile to their traditions and adverse to the survival of the nation state. The basic aims of the Brussels bureaucrats can be characterized as follows;

1. hostility to Christianity;
2. hostility to the native populations;
3. a desire to reduce the native population;
4. anti family and pro-homosexual.

The culture and press are dominated by the Left (as in the US) and these are aligned by the EU aims. Only recently has there been an effort to stop the Eurocrats from carrying out their aim of destroying the nation states and reducing the native populations.

The issue came to a head with the Muslim invasion of Europe. It was precipitated by Barak Hussein Obama and his efforts to destabilize the Middle East and thus give the push to Muslim populations in the Middle East to begin a mass migration into Europe. The Hungarians stopped the Muslim invasion by building a fence.

At first, Hungary stood alone, as it did a number of times during its thousand year history as the defender of Europe. Then it was joined by Slovakia, the Check Republic, Poland, Austria and lately Italy in stopping the Muslim tide. As Slovenia joined the fray, you knew that the eurocrats would strike back.

The Empire struck back via the Sargentini report (so called because the Committe is headed by Judith Sargentini). The Sargentini report claims that Hungarian actions to reform education, reorient the press, kick out the Soros outfits, reduce abortions and promote pro-family life by encouraging marriage and having children is in violation of Article 7 of the EU and therefore EU leadership will now begin various punitive actions against Hungary.  Polish friends can take pride in the fact that the EU Parliament finds that Poland is 'even worse' than Hungary.

What will happen now? Hard to tell. Social scientists claim that when Islamization proceeds to the point that a country is 16% Muslim, the Muslims begin to drive out and kill non-Muslims and the process becomes irreversible. In spite of hopes for Sweden, the last election left the major parties in control at least nominally. Spain, Germany and France remain on the Dark Side as does Belgium and the struggle goes on in Holland.

Western Europe is slowly dieing.

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