Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Turkey's power play.

Islam has been described as a political movement mascarading as a religion. That ignores the claim of Mohammed himself that he was inspired by some spirits to compose the Quran. Be as that may have been, Islam is a form of government that is in constant conflict with its neighbors and also internally. Several camps of Islam exists internally (such as the Shia, the Sunni, the Wahhabi and the Sufi and others) that are at war against each other even though they engage in JIHAD - the attempt to subjugate everyone else.

In addition to all the external conflict, Islamic countries are a seething bed of intrigue as control of the political apparatus of a country means ownership of resources and wealth. The Ruler and the ruling class maintains itself in power by using force and repression. Potentially  and actually, every Islamic ruler is a tyrant and his reputation is built on his mastery of the means of communication.

There are several power blocks in Islam: Iran and the Shiites, Saudi Arabia and the Sunni kingdoms, Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, the terrorist mini states (Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaida, ISIS and many others).

Turkey had been a major power in Islam. It used to occupy the Middle East and SE Europe and derived its Janitsars  (shock troops) from kidnapped boys in the conquered lands. It drained the countries it controlled via tributes. But SE Europe drove the Turks out and if it weren't for the British, Turkey would have reverted to a poverty stricken third world nation.

After WWI a new leader arose (Kemal Ataturk) who tried to drag Turkey into modernity by making the government a secular institution and the Army as guarantor of this government. This form of govt lasted untill the election of Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Prime Minister. Mr Erdogan then proceeded to undo what Ataturk accomplished till Turkey today is a thinly disguised dictatorship, led by a President (Erdogan).

It did not take long for President Erdogan to find a power rival: Saudi Arabia. Turkey is threatened by Saudi plans to reform its version of Islam and build a modern mega city based on technology. Turkey's opportunity arose bacause the Crown Prince's clumsy assassination of a Washington Post reporter Kashoggy. The posing of Turkey and its friends is hilarious. Turkey has some 63 journalists in prison so its protestations over the killing of Kashoggi  (as a journalist) is rather flimsy. The object of Turkey by pushing the Kashoggi claims against the crown prince is to weaken Saudi Arabia and enhance Turkey's position. President Trump is being dragged into the fight on behalf of Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is one fight that we should stay out.

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