Controversial Chinese war hawk and military commentator Rear Admiral Luo Yuan is proposing that China attack and sink two US aircraft carriers operating in the South China Sea, reports Taiwan’s Central News Agency (CNA), via
Admiral Luo believes that the trade friction between China and the US is “definitely not simply friction over economics and trade,” but rather, “a prime strategic issue.’
Despite the US carriers being surrounded by a variety of defensive escort vessels, Luo considers China’s advances in anti-ship ballistic and cruise missile technology, much of it technology stolen from the United States, to be more than adequate to destroy the American carriers.
Boasting of what China would do to what he sees as sitting duck US carrier groups, Luo declared, “What the United States fears the most is taking casualties,” adding that the loss of a single carrier would cost the US 5,000 lives, the loss of two costing 10,000 American lives.
“We’ll see how frightened America is,” threatened Luo, implying that the American people would not be willing to fight and lose even more young American lives.
AJ adds: Two comments: 
1. The Admiral would not run at the mouth unless he had permission from higher ups.
2. We had seen the article on China trying something like this. We also saw how the US might counter it. What is certainly hoped that these scenarios will not be tested out. It would be most unlike Lao Tsu to run a war as a gamble. But the Admiral got us pegged right; we would hate to lose 10,000 sailors.