Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How is Mr Romney wrong? Let me count the ways. 1. Foreign policy.

Mt Romney writes:"This [domestic problems] comes at a very unfortunate time. Several allies in Europe are experiencing political upheaval. Several former Soviet satellite states are rethinking their commitment to democracy. Some Asian nations, such as the Philippines, lean increasingly toward China, which advances to rival our economy and our military. The alternative to U.S. world leadership offered by China and Russia is autocratic, corrupt and brutal.
The world needs American leadership, and it is in America's interest to provide it. A world led by authoritarian regimes is a world - and an America - with less prosperity, less freedom, less peace."
You are wrong Mr Romney. Former Soviet satellites are NOT rethinking their commitment to democracy. What they reject is the dictates of a globalist elite that wants to erase their national character and religious sentiments. Yes, the ideas of politicians like Mr Macron are being rejected. Like the idea that Europe must have a unified army to fight off Russia, China and the US. European  peoples have been distinct natioalities longer than the United States and they want to retain their nationalities. Mr Trump insists that they pay for their own defense. 

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