Saturday, January 5, 2019

Socialism always fails. Why?

The answer is really simple. In capitalism the government does not have the power to make you do things that lose money. Socialism, on the other hand, does not have this limitation. Under socialism people are forced to do things that cost more money than it brings in. So, in a capitalist environment the economy makes products that generate money (income). In a socialist economy there is practically no mechanism to stop activities that lose money. You end up with less income.

The proof of this is irrefutable. Socialism was a failure in the French revolution. It failed in Eastern Europe, in Russia, in China and in Africa. It is a failure in South America. It took the most prosperous country of Venezuela and made it into a basket case in ten short years.

Why do the young Socialists like Ocasio-Cortez think that it will be different in the US? Because they make one flawed assumption that can lead them and us to ruin. The democratic socialists assume that individuals who are productive will continue producing income/wealth at the same rate even if they are taxed at a rate of 70%.

But socialists not merely discourage people from making profit (i.e. taxable income), they also encourage economic activity that wastes money(i.e. activity that needs to be paid for and yields no income). For example, the "green economy" would destroy our current power plants and require at least $5Trillion to replace. Retrofitting buildings and heating/air conditioning units would cost another $10T. Add to this the proposed cost of "free" Medicare, and free college education would drive the cost to 30-40 Trillion dollars. What Ocasio-Cortez does not realize is that 10 Trillion here and 5 Trillion there will eventually add up to real money. Where will the money come from? Since, they discourage economic activity that generates taxable income there is only one source: printing money. How well did that work out? It ruined countries. 

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