Monday, October 19, 2009

Communist takeover in progress.

The Communists of Eastern Europe (and the United States) did not cease to exist, but became part of the environmentalist movement. Organizations like Green Peace had been taken over by Communists. Obama's "tzars" (the correct term for them is Commissars") are either Communists or radicals that are communists without actually being in the Party.

So, how will the Communists try to establish a Commie world government? The mechanism is a treaty that Obama is expected to sign. Let Lord Monckton explain the aims of this treaty:

Opposed to the Communization is the Oath Keepers: former and current police officers and military personnel. They are asked to lay down their arms if they are ordered to enforce the will of the Obamabots to establish a communist state:

I say that is not enough. Our police and military will need to join the tea party crowd and prevent the overthrow of our Constitution.

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