Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stupid power pays deadly dividends.

It was September 3 when I posted "Smart Power" - comments on Hillary's campaign theme and what it morphed into - STUPID POWER. As was evident then, the show of indecisiveness by Democrats had foreshadowed the renewed efforts by the Jihadists to wrest control of Afghanistan, Pakistan and even Iraq.

Obama's pontification that he did not envision a military victory in Afghanistan and Hillary's reference to finding "moderate elements" in the Taliban, with whom we can negotiate, is having the predictable effect of energizing the Jihadists. They can smell victory in the face of STUPID POWER. They do not even have to win in Afghanistan, the acts of a few suicide bombers can be shown by the Liberal Media as Taliban successes.

Obama's campaign labeled Afghanistan and Pakistan as the central front in the war on extremist elements of Islam. Once he was elected, he promised to prosecute that war to the fullest. He sent his hand-picked Commander, Gen McCrystal to Afghanistan and the General made his recommendation for a "surge" led by forty thousand troops. Obama dithers till this day. This is a deliberate dereliction of duty on Obama's part.

Members of the captive Press (the Government Media) are now trying to hype the comments of the stupid person who resigned his position in Afghanistan. According to this idiot, he does not know why we are fighting in Afghanistan. Others are saying (as wielders of STUPID POWER always do) that the Taliban mean us no harm.

HUH? And double HUH? We aren't fighting them because they want to keep women in shapeless sacks and object to girls going to school. We fight them, because they sponsored Al Qaeda's attacks on New York City and Washington, DC and promise more. And because they are training Muslims from the West to carry out attacks in Europe and America. That's what the Country gets to put Dems in charge of defense: STUPID POWER.

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