Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why is California such a mess?

I remember when Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California. On his platform was the item of reducing costly and unproductive regulations that hampered business in California. It has been a long time since Reagan was California Governor. Since then, there have been Democrats and "moderate" republicans who run the State. Costly and stupid regulations, fees and taxes have grown like noxious weeds to choke out California's ability to do business.

Here is an example in the Modesto Bee:

A local embroidery shop was forced to close for two months while a State office was forcing the business to get a certificate (cost $2,500 plus a $500 fine). Cost to the business: $36,000 in loss of revenue and laying off two employees.

The University of California is run by Marxists who turn students against business. I say this to the students: when you think of business, think of jobs, work, taxable profits that pays for State and local services. One business may be small potatoes, but you know that there are thousands of businesses, thousands of jobs that can be obliterated by costly regulations. Think about it. The job that will be lost might be one that you might fill as a part-time student employee or a full-time worker. The profit that is lost could have paid for lower tuition, better roads, etc.

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