Friday, October 23, 2009

The GOP better listen to the base.

There is an astonishing poll by the Rasmussen people:

Roughly 73% of Republicans responded that they believe that the Congressional GOP has lost touch with its base, that they do not listen to the people who elected them. Only 15% of the respondents believe that the GOP had done a good job listening to Republicans.

During the last two years of the Bush administration, Republicans in Congress fed at the public trough as repulsively as the Democrats. Where did this get them? Into the good graces of the Media, Hollywood or the Academe? Uh-uh. They lost their majority in Congress to the tune that Democrats routinely lock them out of Committee hearings. So, you would think that they would try to listen to their base and return to their ideas of the Reagan years that led to their Congressional majority? If you thought that, YOU RERE WRONG.

They nominated a Left-wing Liberal on the Republican ticket in New York's 23 Congressional district. I am not going to repeat the Liberal Scozzafava's positions, but she is undisguishable from a Pelosi Democrat. The justification for stupidity on the part of the GOP in NY is that a) they need someone like a Democrat to win and b) it is preferable to have a Liberal Republican as compared to a Liberal Democrat.

This argument is absurd. If the GOP does not have a difference with the Democrats, why bother to oppose them? In fact, the reason why we want Conservatives to win via the GOP is because Conservative ideas work and Liberal ideas do not. It is equally fallacious to say that a Liberal Republican is preferable to a Liberal Democrat. In fact, when a Liberal Republican wins it does far greater damage to the GOP than a Democrat. An enemy in your camp is far more dangerous than an enemy without. Lastly, if a Liberal Democrat wins, the GOP can hope for a change of mind in the electorate, but with a Liberal Republican, Liberal failures get cemented in, because the GOP establishment will not support a primary opposition to the RINO. In addition RINOs (Republicans in name only) spend their biggest effort on fighting real Republicans.

Here is a Hoffman commercial. Send him money:

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