Saturday, May 9, 2015

The elections in Britain.

I don't really know why I tuned in BBC Thursday night. By the time I did (9 PM), it was almost Friday morning in London and the election was nearly decided. The Announcers were in a shock and very disappointed: Labor had lost. In fact, it got wiped out in Scotland, it's traditional bedrock of strength.

Things did not go according to script and pre-election polls. Not even Obama's covert aid to Labor could save them. At 9 PM, the Announcers still had a slim hope that the Tories would fall 10 votes short of a majority and chaos would follow as their coalition partners (the Liberals) got wiped out. Alas, by next morning, the Tories had a majority.

Let's summarize the results:
1. Labor lost the election;
2. The polls were wrong;
3. Labor is replaced in Scotland by the Scottish Nationalist Party;
4. The Liberals were wiped out;
5. UKIP was unable to score, even Farage lost.
6. Leaders of Labor, Liberals and UKIP have resigned;
7. The govt has an all Tori cast of Ministers.

What does this mean?

There is speculation as to what happened in Scotland. The general theme was that the Scotts were mad at Labor, because it supported Scotland staying in the union. That can't be though, because independence lost badly in Scotland. If Laborite voters wanted to punish Labor by wiping them out and electing the SNP list - that would make them as stupid as Balti-MORONS. One thing is for sure: the Scots were not happy. Does this mean that Scotland still wants independence? I think not. Some people think that the Scots want more aid.

Will things change in the UK? Probably not. Expect more immigration of Africans and Muslims, continued Muslimization and maintenance of govt programs as they are. Except that it will be the Conservatives who get the blame for Socialism not working. Will the Tories last out their 5 year mandate? Quite uncertain at this time.

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