Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Rush Limbaugh's contributions.

1. Description of the Drive-by-Media. The metaphor is apt. Like a bunch of gangsters, the Media descend on a story and when they achieved their goal of destroying something they do not like, or someone they do not like, they move on to destroy someone or something else.

2. The Limbaugh theorem. Some people wonder why Obama retains the allegiance of nearly 50% of the population. Rush provided the explanation. Obama pretends that he is not in charge, so that the results of his policies have nothing to do with him. Then he campaigns against the results that his policies cause.

1. Obama was "shocked" at what went on at the VA. He was gonna find out about it. Of course, he did nothing;

2. Obama was shocked at the rise in health insurance premiums. You have guessed it. He was gonna find out about it. But, these increases are the product of Obamacare. And they are designed to bankrupt insurance companies and get people to accept a single payer system - total government control.

3. Obama gave orders to alter intelligence estimates about ISIS, so he could claim that ISIS is a JV team and that his strategy to control them is working. Yup, he was outraged when he heard that the intelligence estimates were altered due to political pressure. Yup, he is gonna get to the bottom of it.

And so on.

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