Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome (ATDS).

The Washington Post and similar Leftist news outlets are leading a chorus of anti Trump agitation designed to split the Nation:


Let's note that it is the anti Trumpster people who are calling the supporters of Trump foul names, who boycott Trump products, who beat and try to terrorize Trump supporters. The goal of the anti Trump crowd is to foster a climate akin to a civil war. And secession.

This is the logical outcome of a climate of anti-white feelings fostered and championed by the Community Organizer in the White House. The Left tried to build a coalition based on race and now complains that there is a divide. Donald Trump came just in time to save the idea of AMERICA. Leftists, such as the Washington Post, are trying to institutionalize racial hate by the Left, as a political force. And they try to camouflage their hatred by pretending to fight against hate. That is the essence of ATDS. Those people are deranged.

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