Saturday, November 12, 2016

The effort to thwart the Trump Administration.

OK. So, the election is over and we are all going to pull together to advance the interests of the Country. Right? Wrong. Elaborate plans are now made to thwart the incoming Administration, to discredit it and restore the  control by the Left. Actually, the effort is to MAINTAIN control by the Left. The coming battles then will involve not only Congress and the judiciary, but every aspect of life like education, cultural activities, the reporting of the news and even personal interactions. The Left simply believes that only it has legitimate values and beliefs and only it should be allowed to voice and practice beliefs and the actions that enemata from those beliefs. Such minor setbacks as losing an election is considered only temporary. Thus, the Left consider non-Leftist leadership as illegitimate and its overthrow justifies total war. Any effort to maintain/restore Leftist rule therefore they consider permissible.

These efforts are already under way.

1. Questioning the legitimacy of the election. The Left claims that Hillary actually won the election.

2. Mobilizing the Courts to rule Trump agenda unconstitutional.

3. Organizing demonstrations and riots to protest the outcome of the election.

4. Obama settling in DC to carry on a shadow government that is consulted by the Media. Obama thus would revert to his true identity of being a Community Organizer.

5. Using the filibuster to thwart judicial appointments and new legislation needed.

6. Urging the incoming Administration to appoint "compromise" candidates who will oppose from within.

We will be watching and reporting.

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