Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Funny thing happened on the way to repeal Obamacare.

Democrats were ecstatic. The Drive by Media were orgazing about "explaining the cause" of the failure:

1. It was due to Trump's inexperience;
2. It was due to Trump's abraisiveness (that was even shared by a friend);
3. The GOP can not govern;
4; It was due to the Speaker booby-trapping the bill to repeal;
5. It was due to Conservatives sabotaging the whole thing.

Healthcare is a complex subject. It took over 2,000 pages of the original Obamacare bill to describe how healthcare would be mismanaged. Obamacare is failing, because it was meant to fail. Obama himself said he preferred the "Single Payer" which is a code word for government-run medicine. So, Democrats want to replace Obamacare with the Single Payer and nothing else.

So, why did the 'Repeal/replace' bill fail? Because id did not repeal. For the Dems it is a victory. Even if the bill cleared the House, it would have rough sailing in the Senate. Why? Because even though Republicans need only 51 votes in the Senate, they may not have 51 votes. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, John McCain and Graham of S Carolina can not be relied on when the Media puts on a full court press.

So, what will happen now? The Dems have been encouraged. They will filibuster the Gorsuch nomination, they will try to stop the tax cut and they will continue to drum the fake news of the "Russian Connection." Oh, and they will try to continue the import of 'people of color' who will vote for them. 

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