Monday, February 23, 2015

Minsk2 is dead.

Minsk2 is over. Why? Because neither Russia nor the Ukraine is approaching the problem honestly and correctly. Ukraine refuses to acknowledge the aspirations of its Russian minority, while Russia is definitely sending men and arms. The problem is not Russia sending arms, it's the Russian response to the problem. The problem is that NATO has gone back on its promises of keeping central Europe neutral. Instead, the EU has extended to the Russian border. That is not acceptable to Russia or the Russian population of the Ukraine. The following map shows where anti-EU (i.e. pro-Russian) unrest has taken place.

Luhansk and Donetsk are being taken back by Russian speakers. If the Ukraine refuses to face the problem it has and refuses to come up with a solution acceptable to the Russian speakers then it will lose all the areas in color and Russia will extend to Moldova. Calling the Russian speakers "terrorists" will not solve the problem. And complaining about Russian troops is engaging in irrelevancy. The Ukraine and Russia have been joined at the hips and Russia has a special regard to Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Southern Ukraine was purchased from the Ottoman Turks by the Tzar and is rightfully regarded as Russian in interest. Ceding that to Western Europe is a non-starter. Sending arms to the Ukraine will goad the Russians to all out war. And it will not be a halfway affair like in Donetsk but will include all the Russian arm forces including their air force. I hope that cooler heads will prevail. The anti-American tirades of Senator (the Dunce) McCain are not helpful. He should be ashamed all right, but not because the US is not fanning the spirit of war in the Ukraine, but that he lost to the dictatorial monster Obama.

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