Sunday, February 25, 2018

Interview with SNOW QUEEN Ester Ledecka.

Every Olympics has a story that stands out among the many stories of hard work and the achievement that follows or does not follow. This Olympics we have the story of Ester Ledecka. You see, she has a gold in snowboarding AND skiing on the downhill.

According to the experts, the two events are mutually exclusive. If you are a snow boarder, you leave skiing alone and vice versa. So, in the lineup of skiers, Ledecka was left to last among the skiers. No one expected that her performance would matter; after all she was a snow boarder even if she had a gold medal in that sport (do we detect a tad bit of snobbery here?). When she finished, her time stood on top of the board with the smallest of margin one hundredth of a second. She stood dumb founded, thinking that the time was a mistake, soon to be corrected. The audience stood still also. The time stood up and the celebration began. A new Olympic champion. She did the first interview with her goggles on. She did not expect to be on the podium so she did not have makeup on.

Contrast this to the story of Lesley Vonn. She has Anti Trump Delusion Syndrome and boasted that as a gold medalist she would not accept an invitation to the White House. She finished sixth in the same event. Made two mistakes: one on the slopes.

Here is one of the interviews with Ledecka:

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