Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Mueller's ploy - continue the anti-Trump crusade on no evidence.

Over a year and a half the Obama regime had "investigated" (i. e. spied upon) the Trump campaign and the Trump Presidency. The object was clearly to prevent Trump from becoming President at first and then to prevent him from functioning as President. The culprits include the 'Deep State' and the Media. The culprits and the Hillary campaign developed the talking point (called insurance by some in the Deep State) that the loss of Hillary was due to interference from Russia and its collaboration with the Trump campaign.

Mueller investigated for a year and found zero, zilch evidence of what the Media claimed; i.e. a cooperation between the Russians and the Trump campaign. So, the conspirators are changing the talking point. This was announced by Rod Rosenstein of the DOJ in the form of an indictment of Russians close to Vladimir Putin.

This is a camouflage for Mueller to continue his anti-Trump crusade, to continue "investigating" and charging former members of the Trump campaign with crimes irrelevant to the election and maintain the fiction that Trump was elected illegitimately.

The Rosenstein announcement claimed that there was an organized Russian effort on behalf of Trump which did not change the outcome of the election nor was this effort receiving cooperation knowingly from US citizens.

Two things are obvious: 1. the new strategy allows the conspirators to claim interference without having to prove it. The people named by Rosenstein will not appear in an American court where the evidence can be disclosed and the accusers cross examined. 2. The device of the indictment allows the Democrats to continue claiming that Trump was elected illegitimately. It also allows the Mueller cabal of anti-Trump staff members to persecute Trump associates by trying to entrap them in giving false/mistaken testimony.

Ask yourself the question: what would the Russians get out of trying to elect Trump? They had secured Hillary's cooperation in selling 20% of America's source of uranium to Russia for a "donation" of about $150 million to the Clinton slush fund. Russia is no longer pushing Socialism so why bother to set up an ineffective operation? Remember that the Deep State has the ability to run a computer operation and plant a false  flag of who done it.

Another objective of the Deep State is to protect Obama. What did he know and when? We know that Obama and Hillary exchanged emails on Hillary's illegal server. Did Obama also know about the anti-Trump conspiracy as well?

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