Monday, September 7, 2009

Did Jesus name the anti-Christ?

Biblical prophecy is often unclear when uttered, for example what Jesus said about the Temple in Jerusalem that its stones would be thrown down. This seemed such an unlikely event! But in fact it did happen when the Romans destroyed the Temple in AD 70. The story is that there were some gold inlays in the wood used in construction and when the Temple burned, the gold melted and seeped into the cracks between the stones. The Romans had the stones torn down so they could get at the gold.

Recently, a friend sent me a video on the subject mentioned in the title of this post. I can not reference the video, so I am going to go through it with you.

Luke tells us in his 10 th Chapter what happened when the 70 He sent out returned. Jesus said this to them in verse 18: ..."I saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven." Of course, Luke had written his Gospel in Greek, whereas Jesus spoke those words in Aramaic, the ancient form of Hebrew and I am using the Revised Standard Version in English. Isaiah, who predated Jesus's ministry, had this to say about Satan, quoting Satan: 'I will ascend to Heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High;'

So, the characterization of Satan as "lightening from Heaven" (or a high place) is consistent between Isaiah and Jesus. Fortunately for us, we have Strong's Hebrew Lexicon to find out what Jesus said in Aramaic:

The question then is: does the calling Satan as "lightening from Heaven" (a high place) actually tell us something that we understand in today's world?

Lightening in the Dictionary is word # 1299 and is sounded out as "Barak." High place is word # 1116 which sounds "Bamah" or Bamaw. Lightening of a high place would then sound as "Barak o (or u) Bamah," the "o" or "u" being a conjunction. The question I have is did Barak Obama sit in the Illinois State Assembly? That would be a far North place from Jerusalem. And is it on a hill? Or, did he ever preside over a session? Would that be a high place? Check it out for yourself.

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