Monday, September 14, 2009

Spoofing the Media and Pelosi

DC Tea Party March Report
I arrived at the Tea Party protest a little after 11:30 AM only to find the march already in full swing, filling the width of Pennsylvania Avenue as far as the eye could see in both directions. A couple of political terrorists from Long Island told me it had been like that for an hour and a half.
This could only mean one thing.
The pharmaceutical lobby had started handing out checks much earlier than I’d anticipated.
Undaunted, I followed the tens-of-thousands of people representing special interests and the insurance companies towards the Capitol Building and was stunned by their blatantly un-American behavior, as was evidenced by all the American flags they were waving.
That’s always a dead giveaway.
It was stunning. Never before have I seen so many people who were clearly not indicative of the country’s mood. You’d think there’d be many fewer people not representing mainstream views.
And it got worse. Here are some protesters taking a page right of the Nazi playbook with a banner proclaiming, “Let no government exist that is not responsible to the people.”
Where did they get that? Mein Kampf?
These people should heed President Obama’s plea that we engage in a more civil and respectful dialogue and do the right thing and just shut up and get out of the way.
Once I saw this T-shirt, I knew I’d pressed my luck far enough and stole away while the angry mob was distracted with its bickering and game playing.
Hey, she looked mean!


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