Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weather Channel Blues.

It is hurricane season right now, but hurricanes stubbornly refuse to do their usual devastation of the Eastern Sea Coast, Florida or the Gulf Coast. When tropical waves form, they are torn up by Westernly winds, what we see referred to as "shear." The Weather Channel is reduced to reruns of Katrina and other famous hurricanes.

To be sure, Jim Cantore lives for standing out in 100+ mile winds and reporting how awful, wet and windy it is. Weather like that is no joke. BUT! What what became a joke was the career of Dr Heidi Cullen at the Weather Channel. She lost sight of all measures of objectivity and became a misguided advocate of the Global Warming cult. This cult trumpeted endlessly that because of increasing carbon dioxide emissions, global temperatures would rise resulting in all manner of catastrophes. Her solution (and the solution of most of the Warmists) was to build a Socialist government that would dole out carbon credits, while some charlatans would grow rich selling these credits.

Dr Cullen is no longer at the Weather Channel. She resurfaced at PBS, Jim Lehrer and other Liberal outfits. I decided to check a few of her predictions.

The basic problems with Dr Cullen were that: 1. she lost scientific impartiality and became an ideologue, an extreme advocate of a theory; 2. she assumed that once a trend was established, it would continue; 3. that global warming was established almost as a scientific law with no dissent permitted and 4. that global warming could be alleviated by the Socialist prescriptions of the greens.

One prediction of the Greens was that the warming experienced up to 1998 would continue. It did not and cooling set in in 1998. This trend continues. A second prediction was about increased hurricanes. That trend did not continue either. Another prediction was for larger number of hurricanes. We are seeing fewer hurricanes and so on. There was one prediction, however, which was one of the most alarming: that global warming would devastate the trout fishing in Montana.

So, I checked the headlines from local sources in Montana.
The report is from "Carbon based climate change." Takes alarmist tack and reports that cold weather kept snow pack lower than average and if there is a warm year, it could be bad.
This blogger laments the length of the cold and his cabin fever. No evidence of serious low water in Montana rivers as of March 27, 2009.
This blog reports about average snow pack. Less than normal precipitation was preserved because of cooler weather. This is a May 1, 2009 report with a map.
Actual tabulation of snow pack as of May 11, 2009. Snow pack is 122% of average statewide.
The July report from Flattop Mountain SNOTEL site reports near average snow.
The snow precipitation update from SNOTEL sites in Montana shows near average precipitation most places with a couple of exceptions. In other words: a normal year.

OK, so how is the fishing in Montana? Did it rain? Here is the person on the scene:
This summer has been busy and the fishing has been great. One nice thing is that we haven’t had many wildfires so the air quality is very clear. I am enjoying that! Our rivers levels have been ample though in late July, the water temperatures were creeping up. But now, we have had cooling rain, a little too much rain as the river has been running a bit muddy from run-off sediment.
This last week we had a pacific and a Canadian weather system collide over our big sky and it dumped record breaking rain amounts. The Bitterroot and Big Hole doubled their water levels. The fishing hasn’t been very good except on the Blackfoot River. It fished well yesterday.
I am posting a few photos taken at Victor Crossing on the Bitterroot a few days ago to give you an idea of what our river looks like right now. As the storm passes and the sun comes out, the river should clear and the trout will be hungry.

Our national Media do not check the accuracy of predictions and when they do, they suppress reports that show their favorite alarmists to be wrong. Here is an obviously biased (and wrong) prediction by Dr Cullen:

The facts contradict the alarmist prediction so PBS is not reporting them. They are busted by the evidence. And Algore should be in jail for fraud and racketeering.

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