Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama lies demean Presidency.

The House (meaning Democrats) reprimanded Rep Joe Wilson of SC for shouting that the President's statement was a lie. The statement in question was the assertion by Obama that the bill approved by the House did not allow illegal aliens to get medical care at govt expence. Joe Wilson was right, he told the truth that Obama lied.

AP had fact-checked Obama's speech and even they conclude that Obama was not telling the truth.

Here are three of Obama's whoppers and there may have been more, but who can count?

Whopper #1. OBAMA: Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have.

AP. "The Congressional Budget Office analyzed the health care bill written by House Democrats said that by 2016 some three million people who now have employer based care would lose it."

Whopper #2. OBAMA: I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, either now or in the future.

AP: "The long-term prognosis for costs of health care legislation has not been good."

The CBO claims that the health care bill will cost $1 Trillion in annual deficits and the "compromise" bill touted by Montana's Democrat Senator projects a yearly cost of $800 billion.

Whopper #3. OBAMA: "Don't pay attention to those scary stories about how your benefits will be cut. That will not happen on my watch. I will protect Medicare. "

AP:, "Obama and congressional Democrats want to pay for their health care plans in part by reducing Medicare payments to providers by more than $500 billion over ten years."

Obama demeans the Presidency by his lies and there were more of them. Joe Wilson was right. All the Republicans should have stood and shouted: LIAR!!!

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