Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Looking into the crystal ball.

I will share with you what info I have on commodities.

Gold is taking a breather, though today it was up slightly. The dollar is also moving higher. Cycle theory predicts gold to hit a minimum in early to middle October then take off for a rally. Actually, cycle theory predicted a drop in gold a while ago and that drop did not materialize. Is gold stronger than the theory predicts? We should see soon. The dollar will move in the opposite direction, which is down.

The economy continues to deteriorate and the "unexpected" drop in consumer confidence is in line with that. The Baltic Dry Index continues to languish and Lumber hit another down patch: meaning that international economy is weak and construction is still imploding. There are hopeful signs, mostly political. The effort of the Red/Green coalition to tax away our wealth by the Cap and Tax method is stalled and the effort to set up socialized medicine also hit a snag. All these happenings should be positive for the Stock Market.

Soon, the control of inflation will begin a debate as to when to start tightening interest rates:


Bernanke has given a lot of thought to what caused the Great Depression and he does not want to raise interest rates too soon - a mistake that he believes happened during the Depression. So, the scenario predicted by Cycle Theory is still in effect: we will have a rally in gold to maybe 1,300 and the Stock Market will continue to rally. Then ,when interest rates are raised (and some in the Fed promise a large and fast rise), the Stock Market will collapse and also the economy. The price of gold mining stocks will tumble along with other stock prices. At some point, gold mining stocks will begin another rally, as the FED panicks and drops interest rates again, and gold prices will then move past 2,000/oz. The Stock Market will not recover untill the Obamabots are gone from power and Capitalism is re-established in 2013, or at least after the election of 2012.

We should remember though, that the Obamabots can turn on deflation just by tinkering with the 'mark to market' rule. Until the Obamabots are gone from power and the perps that collapsed the banks are arrested Capitalism is not safe in America.

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