Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Revolutionary games for children.

NEA members are doing their best to create songs for children in school that praise Obama. This can be expanded and I would like to contribute to the process. I note the contributions of Rush and frankly, his examples serve as my inspiration. So, here are some suggested games for school children that can be promoted by NEA members.

1. Pin the moustache on POTUS.
Blindfolded children will be asked to pin a two inch wide moustache on a portrait of Barak Hussein Obama. Children should be praised for participating and get a Red Star that they can wear on their shirt.

2. Multiculturalism game.
Rush played a record entitled "Kids Songs of the Revolution," such as "One Leader for Ever," "Hope is in the air" and "Change is here." All these songs were from Germany of the 1030s and sung in German. However, there is one song that's in Italian (Avanti popolo -Onward the people) that is very catchy and stays with you. In fact, I still remember the words after nearly sixty years that were taught to me in school in the 40s and 50s:
Avanti popolo, alavis kossa,
Bandela Rossa, bandela rossa,
Bandela Rossa la triomfera, Bandela Rossa la triomferera
Avanti popolo...
The song is about the Red flag of revolution triumphing.

Kids can be encouraged to march while carrying red flags.

3. Kill granny pantomimes.
Kids will play act pulling the plug on Granny's respirator, so the country can save on her medical care. This should be attempted only in areas that allow killing off of the old and sick.

4. Cultural Revolution Games.
Children will be taught to put dunce caps on others playing the part of reactionary parents opposed to "CHANGE" and "HOPE."

I am sure that NEA-affiliated teachers can pull this off.

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