Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why ObamaCare won't work..well..

Obama gave away the basic flaws of ObamaCare in his speech to Congress. He expected "his" program to save $600B in reducing Medicare costs by eliminating fraud and waste and eliminating the profit insurance companies make in administering medical insurance.

The problems in achieving these goals are obvious. If Medicare fraud and abuse is so obvious, why not set out to eliminate it and reduce the deficit? In fact, Obama is peddling snake oil. The only way he can reduce Medicare costs is rationing medical care for the elderly and the disabled.

Even worse is his idea that cost savings can be made by eliminating profits. If that were true, the Soviet Union would be a thriving enterprise instead a chapter in the dustbin of history.

Who do you trust with health care administration? People whose livelihood depends on being polite to you and serve you as well as they can (else you go somewhere else)? Or government employees who simply have to follow rules? And those rules will force those govt employees to deny service to you as often as they can. If medical care will be administered by the govt, more govt employees will be hired, so there will be NO cost savings from eliminating private profit. People should have learned that by now. No rocket science.

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