Saturday, January 28, 2017

Gold and Uranium: the best little companies.

Gold is money, everything else is credit said a famous banker. So, it is not surprising that gold has left the bear market and is in ascendency. What is even better of an investment is gold miners: i.e. their stock. The biggest gold deposit in N America is located in Alaska. The environmentalist whackoes (led by BO) had bottled up the development of this future mine. Now that BO is no longer President, the value of this deposit will be realized. Incidentally, the company also owns rights to a huge tungsten (Wolfram, symbol W) deposits, an ingredient in steel. Here is the graph of the price action:
Another commodity that has been beaten down is Uranium. There is one Uranium miner that I like and it is Uranium Energy Company (UEC). The company mines Uranium by leaching it out of the ground, getting it adsorbed on an ion exchange column then getting it off the column. The process is low cost and environmentally much friendlier than other methods. UEC is getting another permit in Texas and it awaits a rise in Uranium prices:

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